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  • zeitgeist-y


    Hi 7milesdown,

    I think your modifications to Kubrick look great. I’m inspired to give it a try myself.



    loved the site would like to find out a fwe things

    what font do you use for the TITLE of each post? and where can i get it?

    second.. how did you do the background ?

    how do you change the image at the top of the usual default BLUE

    and how did you do menus like that at the top they are so cool….. ??

    email me [email protected]




    Awesome job, looks good. Like the horizontal menu in the header. Correct me if I’m wrong but the TITLE fonts are done using the image-headline plugin, I could never get to work properly myself. Did you have to make any mod to your PHP setup?



    Like the horizontal navigation in the header. Very crisp and clean. I like it a lot.
    Nicetitles shows all the image information when over the titles of posts, when it would be better to have “read more about” or something else meaningful, IMHO.

    Good job.



    How did you get the horizontal navigation to *overlay* the header image?



    Just so you know… and it might just be my computer… but the style sheet doesnt come through on Safari. Not sure why or if its just my browser… but looks great on firefox on the mac.



    Nice, another Kubrick mod! Good job!



    That looks really nice.

    Thread Starter 7milesdown


    The Font used is Apple’s Garamond font. My favorite!

    Im using the Image Headline plugin.

    I did the install manually although I heard it works just as well with the plugin manager. I threw a folder in the content folder for the images generated by the plugin and it worked! Be sure to configure the plugin to point to the place you stored your font!

    As for the menu, I stole that from Binary Bonsai, and just modded to CSS to look good on my site!

    Thread Starter 7milesdown


    yes, I realize it looks like ish on Safari. I have no idea why. It works great on Firefox and turns out fine in IE.



    I like it! Very good job!!




    Thread Starter 7milesdown


    thanks everyone for the feedback!

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