• 1337reviews


    Hello, I just wanted to stop by and show you my new blog! I’m pretty new to blogging and I wouldn’t mind a mentor or someone to show me the ropes. It has been hard for me to find a job where I am living now and I’m willing to dedacate my time to make my blog my source of income. So if anyone would like to help I would be very thankful!

    Here is my blog 1337 Reviews
    Looks pretty good for a newbie right?

    [bump moderated – if you are looking for support, please post in one of the other sub forums]

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • WPyogi


    Yes, it looks quite good. I think the header background makes it hard to see/read the text on top of it – so you might change that one way or another. Also, right now you don’t seem to have much content at all on most of your pages – I assume you’re working on that, though. Good content is the most important thing for a successful site and SEO. Personally, I’d keep the ads out of the content area – it’s distracting and annoying. But good job so far.

    Thread Starter 1337reviews


    Thanks for your input, i have taken the adds out of the content, i just need to fix the banner. Also, yes I’m adding more content and adding to the content i already have. I want to attract traffic, and it seems every time i post (because of plug-ins) i get a little bit of traffic, say 20 unique ips every post. That is growing slowly but surely.



    I really liked your blog. Loved the slide out RSS tab. You found a very good theme for what you are doing. The translucent sidebar elements with the rounded corners are a nice touch as well. I think your header image could use a little work. It is a little hard to read some of the text and it could have a little more pop. [Advertising & work soliciting moderated – That is not allowed].

    Thread Starter 1337reviews


    Thanks, I did change the theme though. I was having trouble showing the author’s bio in new posts so I added a new one. I like this one better. I also fixed my banner, it is now easy to read!

    Really like your content. If you can reduce the length of your home page, it can load faster. Fast loading blog attracts more visitor.

    [Advertisement moderated]

    Great start. I only have one suggestion (just an opinion)…

    If I were you, I would add more menu tabs at the top to reflect categories. (ie…have different tech categories such as Gadgets, Gaming ect ect). Again, just an opinion.

    It has been two weeks since you posted this here…getting more visitors?

    I read through some of you articles and you have a good amount of typos and misspellings that I have noticed.

    If you have time, would you review mine? [linkk moderated – please don’t present your site here]. Maybe if you ever write anything photoshop related we could swap links/info ??

    Keep up the great work and don’t stop posting!

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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