• klklaser


    Hey everybody, I’ve put up a WordPress powered blog for myself, and twiddled with the index and CSS file some. Care to drop by and tell me if it looks okay in your browser? I’m using Firefox, and to me it looks nice. What do you think?

    While it passes XHTML validation, the CSS doesn’t pass with a couple of hacks that supposedly help other browsers render the page properly, but I really don’t know much about that. The CSS validator gives many “warnings”, and I think two errors.


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  • clay


    database error- check your config file and your paths

    Thread Starter klklaser


    Can you give me any further error information? I’m looking at the site right now, and the database seems to be working okay.

    Looks fine to me (using Firefox).



    It look find with IE 6 and which template are you using,

    Thread Starter klklaser


    btvillarin, thanks.

    clay, I think I noticed a database error when I clicked on a category, when I clicked again, the error was gone. Not sure how to fix an intermittent problem, maybe the server acted up for a moment.

    rocky2889, Glad to hear it works in IE 6.0. The 1st article on my blog today explains where I got the template, there’s also link there to the exact template I modified, but, it’s only HTML and CSS, no php or solution that works instantly with WordPress. Getting it to work involved cutting and pasting the relevant out-of-the-box WordPress 1.2.2 index.php commands into the appropriate areas of the htm page, then saving that as .php. The calendar was difficult, the WordPress CSS #commands added to the bottom of Ruthsarian’s CSS seemed the best solution. I was able to format the calendar using only his CSS, but it wasn’t quite as flexible or advanced as the WordPress solution.



    seems to work fine in Safari and FF on a mac…don’t get any errors anywhere

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