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  • pretty!

    Un tr?¨s beau d??cor !
    Just a few glitches – I didn’t check the code (too tired), but there are two things I can say right off the top of my head:
    1) “This page is not valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional”. You forgot to add an ‘alt’ value to a couple of images, it seems. ??
    2) When you hover over the days in your calendar, the td’s expand and contract. It seems to have something to do with whether the date number has one or two digits. I’m guessing this is due to some sort of padding or border declaration problem in your CSS (which does validate, btw).
    Other than that, it’s very good.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Yes, there are still some glitches. I’ve noticed the td expansion and contraction. Will resolve this. I’ve already resolved the extra blanck between the title dand the photos… Thanks to remind me of the “alt”. I’ve forgot to pass my pages into TypeStyle HTML Tidy…

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    The CSS doesn’t validate?

    Yes, the CSS does validate, it was the XHTML that didn’t ??

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    I misread your previous post, sorry.
    I get this error in validation:
    Encoding: <?php
    Sorry! A fatal error occurred when attempting to transcode the character encoding of the document. Either we do not support this character encoding yet, or you have specified a non-existent character encoding (often a misspelling).
    The detected character encoding was “<?php”.
    The error was “”.
    Since i’m not responsible for the php coding in these file, what can I do to correct this type of problem?

    That’s strange… when I try to validate your site, it goes through fine and tells me it’s valid XHTML now… (but gives two warnings: in line 169, columns 159 and 165, ‘<‘ is used in a text string, which isn’t good)
    However, when I try to validate your CSS, it tells me to validate the invalid XHTML first… Huh? It tells me that, “Line 176, Column 160: The value of attribute ‘title’ associated with an element type ‘a’ must not contain the ‘<‘ character.” I take it you must have put two <‘s in the title of a link on your page, which is keeping it from validating. Change them and it should be good.
    About the error you get when validating – does it say where the error occurs? I mean, is it an error that the validator gives you, or does clicking the validate link give you an error page with that message?

    you dont validate the php …you validate the html that the php creates.
    just type the uri of your website into the validator and let it do its thing. (by the way … looks like it validates now)
    — michael

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