• My entire blog entries are being escaped.

    Please take a look at the hyperlinks in my blog posts…they weren’t like that last night. https://www.shimonsandler.com

    I’m freaked. Does anybody have an idea what could possibly be wrong? It looks like they’re being escaped.

    Is there a way to change everything back to normal?

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  • Thread Starter shimonsandler


    My webhost tried restoring the database. Here is the response I received:

    “Shimon, we restored your database from the 30th and everything was in the same condition. We went through the admin config and check all the settings and everything looks ok.

    Your original database has been put back. I would recommend getting on the forums for the portal software to find the fix for this problem.”

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Have you looked at your PHP info page to see how the server is set up to handle quotes? It’s really easy to do – open up Notepad and type in the following:

    <?php phpinfo(); ?>

    and save it as “phpinfo.php” Upload to your server and open it up in your browser. There are three settings for “magic_quotes” – they should be turned off.

    Thread Starter shimonsandler


    Okay, I’ll try it.

    1) Where do I find the php info page? Is that what it’s called?

    2) Where do I insert that code?

    Just insert that code into a blank file, and save it with a filename of whatever you like, but it must have a .php extension.

    Probably best to put in your root folder, because then all you have to do is go to yourdomain.com/phpinfo.php

    Thread Starter shimonsandler


    Great. I did it.
    How do I turn off the three settings for “magic_quotes” ?

    magic_quotes_gpc is on for me, but the other two are not. Otherwise, I’ve got the same question as Shimon.

    I’m not an expert, but in the interest of getting a speedy reply to you, I know you can do it with a file called php.ini, or you can use .htaccess (I think).

    You could google for “configuring PHP with php.ini” or “.htaccess” to see what turns up.

    php.ini is also used by your host, and you can’t change their copy, but I think you can put it in your root folder. It’s something to check anyway ??

    To use .htaccess to turn off magic quote, just add this line to your .htaccess file:

    php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off

    Maerk is correct, though – otherwise, you’ll need to ask your webhost provider to turn off magic quotes for you.

    I added it, but it hasn’t done much yet. The flag is still raised.

    OK, this is my problem. How should I go about using that script?

    I’ve disabled the variable, but the problem is still there!


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