• My current hosting has disabled my website due to excessive CPU usage and adviced me to have VPS which I can’t afford.
    My site was a current affair wordpress blog in which I used to post 25 to 30 articles without any image. My site was 6 months old.How could they be so much heavy that the hosting disabled my account? I am even unable to log in to my c-panel. Is there any solution? If I transfer to some other good hosting, what would happen if they too do the same with me?

    Please help me in this regard

    Waiting for an urgent reply…

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  • How many blogs? What plugins?

    If they’ve shut you off, then yes – you either need to upgrade to a vps there or on a cheaper vps host, and also start paying attention to what you have running.

    Ask them what excatly was the problem. Too many queries? Ask them to get your site up so you can check that.

    Place this code after the body tag in your footer php

    <!-- <?php echo get_num_queries(); ?> queries -->

    It will echo the number of the queries. If it’s too high then you have a problem with your site. If not your host is full of crap. Change to a good host.

    Thread Starter depressed11


    I am running just 1 blog.Not too much queries.My site was running with 1200 daily page load. I dont know what happened. My host disabled my site with giving any warning or notice and they are not ready to revive my site until I transfer to VPS which is not affordable for me. I am extremely worried about the issue. Do you people know any solution? And if i transfer to some good hosting company, would they able to revive my site to the point it was shut down???Any good host??

    They should at least put your site back on so you can backup and import your posts and pages. Who is this host?

    Thread Starter depressed11



    Do you know what to do in this situation?If CPU usage is the issue then all hosting companies would do the same.

    Moderator Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    Not all hosts are alike. Many can handle heavy load sites with ease due to the way they schedule CPU time.

    That being said, Were you running any Caching plugins? Were you using any plugins which generated statistics of users? (ie. users online, or visitor statistics plugins which do not rely upon Google Analytics or WordPress.com stats?)

    Most hosts would re-enable a site to allow you to backup your data before leaving, many would also re-enable an account if you explain that you’re going to take steps in order to lower cpu usage (such as installing a caching plugin).

    (However, You’ve posted this in the MultiSite forum, Are you using Multisite at all?)

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I am running just 1 blog.

    As Dion asked … are you even using MultiSite?

    Thread Starter depressed11


    No, I don’t have cashing plugin, neither my host is willing to allow me access to my site for taking any measures. I have just 1 site not multi-sites. Actually, I don’t know which forum is relevant to my problem?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Moved to How To and Troubleshooting. Not a multisite specific question.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    neither my host is willing to allow me access to my site for taking any measures.

    If your host won’t let you back in, there’s NOTHING you can do except ask them if they’ll send you a zip copy of your DB and files, and try a new host.

    But. 1200 pageviews a day? Depending on how your server is configured, you may be fine on Shared hosting, and you may not.

    The basic tules of thumb: Optomize your site, Reduce plugins, clean your theme, install caching.

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