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  • Moderator James Huff


    We have no control over the operation of other WordPress blogs. You will have to personally contact the owner of that blog. I see no email address or contact page on that blog, so you will probably have to leave a comment.

    Sure wordpress cant do anything about it.
    Thats always the owner of the blog itself who is the culprit.

    What do you think about my header?

    Thread Starter ennis


    I wasnt directing this at wordpress, hence its not a support item. I was hoping the owner of the site would see it and remove it.

    Ennis, you might want to simply post on that blog (in English if you don’t speak/write German) that you’re issuing a formal cease-and-desist for both the use of and offer for download of your header.

    There are some German-speaking members here; perhaps one of them will be so kind as to translate for you….

    And then direct them to the .psd file for mx4, and suggest they create their own. I would question though the issue since the original wasn’t yours to begin with, you are simply moddifying the original, sorta a grey area IMO. If someone releases something GPL, doesn’t all modifications have to be public as well?
    (Not saying the theme is GPL, I didn’t check)

    Ennis can only post there if he has permission to post.
    Well, Ennis could write a comment.;)
    Thats why I have put in an option to send me an e-mail.
    I think thats not more than fair if someone really want to contact me.
    Yes, go to that page and see if they have left a contact.

    Otherwise you could also be proud that someone finds your design so good and uses it for the blog ??
    I wouldnt mind someone using my simple header.

    Thread Starter ennis


    Ive gone to their page, and left an english comment. See what happens.

    And The original header was released, not my modified version. Took me a while to work on and modify.

    It says clearly it is from your site.
    The download link goes to the original mx4 theme’s header .pds file – from which you also derivated your work, I guess.

    I have also noticed that now.
    So, that would mean they have not asked for permission just put in the comment that its from there.

    Ennis, why being upset about such a small matter?
    Anyway I have left a comment there so that they clarify the matter with you.

    Thread Starter ennis


    Not upset about it. Im not shedin tears or cryin a river, i just asked a simple request. Not askin much in my opinion.

    Umm, it might not be a small matter if it’s a case of a person’s creative output. I don’t know whether Ennis did the header from scratch or not; if he did, then he is probably not happy about his copyright being infringed upon.

    I’m a writer among other things; I get really upset when people steal what I write and use it without permission; attribution is okay, but PERMISSION IS PARAMOUNT.

    The original mx4 header:
    The “winterized” version at thisisennis:

    Well, seems it was not a whole lot of work to create the winter landscape.
    The tree would also look nicer without leaves on it.
    It probably took about 5 minutes to modify the original pic.

    Ennis, have you asked the original creator for permission to modify the image? ??
    lamooooo ??
    Anyway, Ennis, dont worry so much
    If you want you can use my pic, I have many more suitable pics for headers, all self made. Well no cartoon style pics ??
    Some of them are in the download section of my forum.
    Only requirement to enter that section, be a registerd user.

    Thread Starter ennis


    I’ll admit it came with the theme im using, however, i did make the modifications to make it a christmas theme. Kinda irritating when you work on something, and then someone else uses it without asking in a sense.

    As I wrote before:
    Dont Worry be happy.
    or as it is written in huge golden letters on the “Hitch hikers guide through the galaxy”
    Be happy that people found it so good that they just used it for their own BLOG. At least they mentioned from where they got it.

    BTW: Praat je nederlands op St Johns?

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