Firstly, always backup your files!
This works fine with permalinks DISABLED, but if you enable them, when you click a page, archive, category, etc … the list of pages vanishes. I’m not a programmer so I don’t really know why but I’m looking into it.
Step 01:
– Open wp-content/themes/GreenTrack/index.php
– Find the line:
<h2>< ?php _e(‘Categories:’); ?></h2>
– Before this line add:
<!– START Pages addition –>
<h2><?php _e(‘Pages:’); ?></h2>
<?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order’); ?>
<!– END Pages addition –>
Step 02:
– Open wp-includes/template-functions-post.php
– Fine the line:
if ( !isset($r[‘title_li’]) ) $r[‘title_li’] = __(‘Pages’);
– Replace with:
// if ( !isset($r[‘title_li’]) ) $r[‘title_li’] = __(‘Pages’);
Step 03:
– Upload both files, overwriting the originals!
If you want to see what arguments wp_list_pages accepts, try here: