A nice clean website for business. Love your color scheme. They all blend to-gether. You have given me a great idea on your contact page for the fast secure contact form. I am also new at this web site building for business purposes. check me out at https://www.retailguidance.com I have been building it for 4 months now. It is slowly coming along.
Thanks, 67mapleleafs. I’m concerned that the site is too simple. I eventually want to be able to make them more complex like yours. Is there a guide you’ve followed that you could recommend?
Also, how did you get those “spinning blocks” on your homepage? Is that a plug in?
I think a good improvement would be to change the font for the content-text. Right now it looks kind of stiff. Otherwise the site was fantastic. I′m even impressed.
also, the “site map” header is hard to read, particularly the “m” in map. Unbolding it should help.
When you click on pages that don’t require a scrolling, the page shifts slightly to the left. It’s a common problem since most modern browsers will eliminate the scroll bar when it isn’t need. Add this code to force a the scroll bar there to prevent the slight shift: