• I did actually show you guys my Website before but was kinda flamed, it was pretty poor. Ive edited the Rhea theme and done alot of work with widgets etc. Here is my site:


    Any suggestions? Im looking for a top downloaded widget but with no such luck. Theres alot of space in the sidebars on some of the cats, any suggestion what to put there?

    Thanks, Lamby

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  • Hi,

    i also build one website like https://www.blogbul.com/index.php

    But it works good in my local. not work in online it has one error like

    500 – Internal server error.
    There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

    Kindly help me please. how to host wordpress code to online? it works fine in my local. anybody help me please. i already use .htaccess and php.ini files. if any suggestions kindly give me plz.


    citydevi: please start a new thread in troubleshooting. this is for showing off new websites in WP.

    lamby85: good work on the customization! i didn’t recognize the rhea theme at first glance. i would suggest adding more content and readership, then you can add cluster maps or other geo features on the sidebars later.

    Lamby85, nice theme if you can change the header’s color.

    [signature moderated Please read the Forum Rules]

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