• nilsjeppe


    Hi Guys and Gals,

    I am moving my stuff over from textpattern to WordPress. My personal webblog is the first that got some real love and a “custom” layout. It’s located here:


    There are a few odds and ends I’ll have to fix:

    1. In the main index page, “previous entries” and “next entries” navigation at the bottom blends in too much with the footer. This is just default code, I guess. I’ll have to move it someplace else, but at least provide for better spacing.

    2. in single pages/posts, the sidebar is much longer than the main “content” on the left, resulting in somewhat odd looking pages. No idea how I could “fill up” the content part to be as long as the sidebar – ideas?

    There are probably more. I’d love to hear some feedback / critique on the layout, bug reports, or whatever. Sometimes when you have stared at your own code too long it’s hard to notice screwups.

    I am not a design genius, and have little skill with image manipulation, so I have tried to keep things simple and purely css/html based where possible. Also, the entire site should validate in xhtml 1.0 strict, but Markdown or some html code in some posts may break the validity.

    Anyway, if you have anything for me, please let me know!

    Thanks in advance for your time,
    – Nils

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  • moshu


    2. See my reply to a similar issue:



    Hi Nils,
    I really like your layout. It’s extremely clean. The Entry block look really nice.
    Maybe you could collapse the archives for previous years (I wonder how many people check out archives rather than categories.)

    I’m a big fan of having pages that take up 100% width.
    I am at 1600×1200 rez and the lines of text are just incredibly long. My eyes tend to lose which line they’re on. Maybe you could have a maximum width for the entries. I realize that this would create a bit of a white-space management issue…hmm…Unfortunately, I don’t have a good solution to this (I hope this still counts as a constructive comment).

    Oh…nice palette. It make everything seem very fresh ??

    Good luck and take care,



    I love the 100% width.

    someone like isotrope who’s on 1600 wide, at worst they would just need to un-maximize their browser window. Shrink-to-fit. That seems no worse of a web-crime than making 800 wide users scroll left-right. To me the fluid layout is better because the user can choose the width they prefer to read.

    I’ll switch my WordPress sites to liquid layout once I figure out the CSS.



    I completely agree… I did actually make it smaller and it was a breeze to read. ??



    Sooo sorry…click…impatient…click…impatient…click…double-post…



    Very nice. As far as the content in the sidebar not being long enough, I would say that the content in the main is too long.

    Display fewer posts in the main section and dont worry about the side bar.

    Thread Starter nilsjeppe


    Good morning!

    Thanks for the kind words and great feedback, guys.

    I am actually on 1680×1050 (20″ widescreen…), and I did notice the width problem. Ever since I got this screen, I have started to not use software in fullscreen mode for the first time since I started using GUIs. ?? I think I’d rather leave it open to the user what to do, since no matter what limit I chose, someone may still disagree. I guess this is why they make software run in resizeable windows ??

    The problem with the sidebar is when you display a single post, the main section will be much shorter than the sidebar. I did fix this recently, by removing a lot of cruft from sidebar-single.php, it should be better now. I will also read up on Moshu’s link, thanks for that.

    I’ve reduced the stuff in the main content column to 10 days instead of 15. Since I expect my weblog to be updated fairly regularily, I wasn’t sure what the best choice is. Limit by # of days would mean an “empty” main section if I post little for some time; limit by # of posts may mean that stuff rolls out of the main window too quickly if I am overly active.

    Maybe I should add a “more recent posts” part on the bottom which just lists headline, date & category, for say, another 5 posts?

    I agree that the archive should probably be collaped, at least for everything older than 12 months; I’ll check into that and see how it looks.

    Thanks again to all of you, I really appreciate your help ??

    – Nils

    PS – Once the theme is done, I’ll happily provide it as a downloadable zip file under a creative commons license.

    Thread Starter nilsjeppe


    Eh, that should be 10 posts instead of 15 for the main column.

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