My first theme
Hi everyone i am looking for crtique and suggestions. I am usually designing HTML code, but I wanted my own thing for my site. It took me 6 days with about 7 hour sleep, but I am finished. I still am thinking of some cosmetic additions but it is functional and I am sort of proud of it. Anyways here’s the link give me Your opinion.
Hey detoam, I don’t know how to write code but I can say that your theme is pretty cool looking.
The first thing I noticed is that you made the sidebar wider than usual. I just set up my first website using someone else’s theme, and the only thing I’m not happy with is the fact that I can’t figure out how to widen the sidebar. If you search the support forum for “sidebar width” you’ll find literally hundreds of threads asking for help making sidebars wider.
Enough ranting… good job on your theme.
Thanks. I always thought that WP should have wider sidebar. If one is to place an advertising or video or image browser it be nice to have it wide. Setting up the width of the sidebar is fairly easy. You edit those settings in the css files. If You want You can send me me the theme you have and idea on how wide You would like the sidebar be and I can edit that for You. No cost of course. I am leaving in about 3-4 days though. I am not going to have any access to a PC for the first month though. You can send me the theme through the contact form on my site. I should be able to do that in about an hour after I get it.
You really need to work on your punctuation and grammar..
Structurally and cosmetically, I don’t like it. The sidebar is hanging out and looks just like it is, unattached. The footer is the same, but worse because your sidebar doesn’t extend all the way to the bottom. And looking again, to some degree the header is unattached as well.
The colors dont work, who told you that the green in that background image went with white and blue? They lied.
I know thats the look you were probably going for, so hey, thats fine. I just don’t care for it. At all.
I give you props, though. for almost having a valid site,
((( And for those that might click through from work, just a reminder, its questionably NSFW, depending on your employer. )))
crap I clicked through because you said it wasn’t safe for work, but was sorely disappointed. ??
Sorry Ivovic. I was forced to censor the picture and had to remove some explicit content due to the site being visited by some underage humanoids. I really dislike doing that though. I might create a page just so adults can see the whole thing. I will never censor my language though.
Thank you. I should have pointed out though that English isn’t my first language and due to my illness I sometimes have issues with understanding what I see. Sort of like dyslexia. Except it comes from too many fights and some other things.
Also I have made everything look sort of detached because it is my state. Do You understand what I mean? It sort of represents the state of my life. Since I am not very good with words (spoken or written) i try to express in other ways.
However i thought that many people would not like that look, but I am having issue of figuring out how I could make it all look together without sacrificing the transparency of the wrapper where the header, content and sidebar sit. I was going to attach all of them and simply use the transparency hack, but it negated the css validation.The validation does not pass because of the flash objects I always insert, but CSS did pass and I will strip my test site of the content and test the bare design.
As for background: The image was actually hard to create and it was originally in full color. I want to change the image actually, but I have not been able to find what I want.
Thank You very much for Your input. I might create a separate CSS sheet for people who might like to have it, but want a bit more structure.
Why not stick with something that’s unique? I love the way the columns float.
I just checked you site again and I see that you changed the background. I liked the first one better. The texture of it made the columns pop out for a very dramatic effect.
I say be cautious about how you apply suggestions, if you try to please everyone you’ll end up with a product that looks common.
thank YOU so much for not having a fit about what I wrote :)))
Reading your info page, the language thing makes sense …
I am not sure that it is appropriate for me to say You are welcome, but You are welcome. I believe that i have no right to flame when critique was what I asked for.
It’s almost like someone who is giving criticism is being sensitive about their criticism being criticized. ??
Who me? You would be surprised by how defensive some people get when they get negative feedback. Its not easy to pour your heart and soul into a hand made theme and then hear someone doesnt like it. I was honestly, pleasantly surprised he didnt have a fit. It actually made me go back and look again at it. ??
I prefer the new background, btw.
whooami, I’m sure you’re correct about people’s sensitivity. detoam seems to be the opposite though, like he might be too willing to abandon his vision to conform to other peoples tastes. I like feedback about my work, but I think it’s best to apply it carefully, especially when the criticism is about style and not function.
detoam, where the columns white in the first version?
Thank you whooami. That’s the kind of background I was looking for. I was going to do sort of the same thing with my own face, but I opted out as i thought it would be way to tacky. Thankfully someone had the same idea (minus the text below) and is willing to share it with the world.
Actually i was gonna have the sidebar black at first that would have made the posts stand out. But I thought to make it white. I also tried to make everything semi-transparent, but that makes absolutely everything semi-transparent. I have some more ideas for another version of the theme, but since I am leaving tomorow and will not be able to access a computer for about a month i would have to wait. The exciment is killing me though.BTW whooami I love Your theme on the village-idiot. It’s so… well… awesome.
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