* All fields with an asterisk beside are required to be filled out.
Please double-check all your responses before submitting them.
<label> Your full name *
[text* your full name here] </label>
<label> Your Email (please use <a href="https://protonmail.com" target="_blank">protonmail.com</a> to keep emails confidential) *
[email* your-email] </label>
<label> Peaceful Village is a raw vegan community. People joining must eat and be raw vegan here. What is your current diet and lifestyle and for how long have you lived this way? *
[textarea* your diet] </label>
<label> Even though Ecuador is a Spanish-speaking place, understand that everyone who stays at Peaceful Village speaks at least basic English. How proficient are you at speaking and reading the English language? Do you also speak or write in other languages? Would you be able to help with translation from English to another language? *
[textarea* your language] </label>
<label> How and what devices, app/software or services do you use to keep yourself protected online for your anonymity and safety? *
[textarea* how do you keep yourself safe] </label>
<label> What are your views and understanding about anarchism, nonconformity, governments, police, vaccines, COVID-19/Coronavirus, country borders, travel visas, and immigration laws? Are you already COVID-19 vaccinated (how many doses and boosters) or do you ever plan on getting vaccinated for COVID-19 in the future? *
[textarea* idea about anarchism nonconformity] </label>
<label> Would you like to become a member and buy a plot of land in our community in the near future? *
[textarea* buy land become a member] </label>
<label> Would you be willing to relocate to a raw vegan healing community in the tropical jungle of Ecuador? *
[textarea* willing to relocate] </label>
<label> Would you be interested to be an investor or donate a large amount to Peaceful Village? *
[textarea* donate or invest] </label>
<label> Would you be able to live more in harmony with nature, nonhuman animals, and humans living with limited internet and electricity? *
[textarea* limited internet electricity] </label>
<label> How could you be financially self-sustainable living in the forest in a community outside of the system? Do you earn money online, and if so, how? *
[textarea* financially self sustainable] </label>
<label> What are your feelings about nudity and allowing people to be nude at Peaceful Village? *
[textarea* about nudity at peaceful village] </label>
<label> What are your favourite fruits, vegetables, herbs, and other plants? *
[textarea* favorite foods] </label>
<label> What interests you the most about Peaceful Village? *
[textarea* interests you about peaceful village] </label>
<label> How can Peaceful Village assist you on your spiritual, physical, and mental healing journey, your happiness and well-being, and what would you like to learn or experience with us? *
[textarea* what would you like to learn and experience here] </label>
<label> What knowledge, insights, and experience regarding agriculture and gardening, permaculture, eco-technology, and eco-construction do you have? *
[textarea* knowledge about eco sustainability] </label>
<label> What particular skills, interests, or fields of knowledge do you possess and enjoy sharing? *
[textarea* any skills interests] </label>
<label> Do you have any knowledge and experience in film/video production or technology (setting up live internet video events or repairing cell phones, computers and other electronics)? *
[textarea* any film electronic experience] </label>
<label> Do you have any physical or psychological health issues, and if so, what are they? *
[textarea* any health issues] </label>
<label> Would you graciously put in an honest 20 to 25 hours of volunteer contribution each week for helping around the public community areas with building construction, gardening, and other variety of tasks? *
[textarea* contributing here] </label>
<label> Would you assist others within the community (volunteers, guests or other community members) on little jobs and possibly longer jobs as well, with building construction or storage/tool shed? Understand that in Peaceful Village, we help others freely whenever we can. *
[textarea* contributing here] </label>
<label> How do you see yourself contributing and spending most of your free time here? *
[textarea* contributing here] </label>
<label> What are your thoughts and feelings about the relationship between humans and nonhuman animals? *
[textarea* relationship nonhuman animals] </label>
<label> Please tell us more about yourself. *
[textarea* about yourself] </label>
<label> How did you find out about Peaceful Village? *
[textarea* how did you find out about pv] </label>
<label> Please provide full URLs to any social media profiles/contact information (Facebook, MeWe, YouTube, BitChute, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.) or your websites. *
[textarea* provide us with any social media and contact information] </label>
Would you like to register for our free email newsletter? *
[radio register-newsletter label_first default:1 "Yes" "No"]
<label> Do you have any questions or feedback? *
[textarea* Any additional questions or feedback] </label>
[acceptance read-the-pdf-book] I have read what is written on this page and the PDF document, <a href="https://peaceful-village.com/public/2021%20-%20The%20Way%20We%20Live.pdf" target="_blank">The Way We Live: Co-living Handbook for Peaceful Village Raw Vegan Healing Community</a> thoroughly, and agree. *
[submit "Send"]