My Butterfly Blog
Wow, everyone’s blogs look so professional! Please take a peek at mine and let me know what I could add to make it look better be more functional. What widgets would you suggest?
The topic is nice, but the template doesn’t work.
the content, adding pictures etc. it destroys the layout. I’m using seamonkey on a 15’laptop, resolution 1280x800px.I agree with Ben; you need another theme.
Eak..It looks and works fine on my computer.
Do you any suggestions on which template/theme would work best, or should I have someone who knows php fix my template? Thank you, I really appreciate your honest replies.
Ok, so I had not heard of “seamonkey” so I downloaded it and did a check, yes, my butterfly blog is a bit messed up, but when I checked my cpanel/Awstats I only get about 2% of visits from Mozilla – (Does that include seamomkey?) Would you change you theme based on those numbers? Blog looks find on other browsers.
Not very helpful here, but I like your pictures. The butterfly grove is amazing.
I’m using Firefox and it looks pretty good. One thing I notice is that you have a lot of words before you actually get to the post. Can you move your tags to the bottom of each post instead of right after the title?
All advice is helpful, no matter what. I will try and figure out how to move my tags to the bottom of the post, thanks!
Seamonkey is Mozilla and works like FF. If it works in FF, then it should also work in Seamonkey.
I tested it again, now it looks better in Seamonkey.
There is only one thing: The search in Seamonkey has been moved outside the sidebar. The Search in FF 3.5 follows directly the Twitter things and looks different in Opera 9.62.
Sometimes it’s difficult to setup all different browser. The reason why the search looks different in Seamonkey is because it didn’t get enough space:
<div class="textwidget">Follow us on Twitter...>
Go to your style.css and look for “textwidget”
There should be something with (please note that your values are different)
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;If you don’t know what the 0px is for, look here: top, left, bottom, right
Give the bottom in textwidget 20px
example: padding: 0px 0px 20px 0px;
Give it a go. I am not sure if margin or padding would work.
Do the same with your images. Example:
#content img { border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; padding: 4px; max-width: 100%; display: inline; text-align: center;} #archiv img { border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; padding: 4px; max-width: 100%; display: inline; } .entry img { margin: 10px 0px 20px 0px; display: inline;}
Copy the style.css before any changes so that you will not loose the original style
By the way, your pictures are lovely.
You can also copy my image example into your style.css.
However, you can’t have 2 image instructions.
in front and*/
at the end of your image instructione.g.
/*#content img { border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; padding: 4px; max-width: 100%; display: inline; text-align: center;}*/
Wow, Thank you Ben! I checked out lesson on padding on the website you mentioned…love that site, bookmarked it!
I get very nervous making these kinds of changes…I looked in my style.css but couldn’t find “textwidget” ~ I will have to find someone to help me.
I just removed the search box, so hey, that fixed one problem.
I would sure like my whole blog to be wider including that crazy thin sidebar, but I also like the look of my template, so looks like I will be going back for help.
Obviously, you have more than your own css. There is a second one mentioned in your head:
That textwidget doesn’t exist and seems to come from another side.
Be careful with involving others websites source code! Keep control over your own weblog!
well i guess everyone already commented on the weird image alignments in firefox… so no need to repeat that.
i love the idea, and FLUTTER BLOG!… what an awesome name for the main idea behind the blog.
i really love the image styles around the images in this entry “Inside the Cabbage White’s Family Album” … i think the rest should be like that. it looks cleaner and more professional, plus it’s easier to read the captions and relate it to the image.
Those pictures are so lovely dear ?? . I can use them in one of my sites ??
THanks again for all the great comments, it’s been very helpful to me. I’m learning my way around the wordpress blog and would like to start another one soon. But first, I need to perfect the one I have, so Ben, yes, I will look into that textwidget. Do you think it’s something the template designer put in?
Hi owithb,
I looked at your head and you have taken out the second css. Good.
I checked your CSS.
Your text size is generally very small:
body { font-size: 62.5%; /* Resets 1em to 10px */
Your CSS gives for sidebar:
#sidebar { font: 1em Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif; }
That means this “textwidget” doesn’t have influence and your text is generally 62% or 1em, which is 10px.
Example (I sorted it more so that you can see the structure):
<li id="archives-2" class="widget widget_archive"> <h2 class="widgettitle">Archives</h2> <ul> <li><a href='' title='August 2009'>August 2009</a> </li> <li><a href='' title='July 2009'>July 2009</a> </li> <li><a href='' title='June 2009'>June 2009</a> </li> <li><a href='' title='May 2009'>May 2009</a> </li> </ul> </li>
The title “Archives” gets its size from #sidebar h2 (and not from class=”widgettitle)
#sidebar h2 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif; font-size: 1.2em; }
That means it is a bit bigger than 10px
The links are shown by:
#sidebar ul ul li, #sidebar ul ol li, .nocomments, blockquote, strike { color: #666; } #sidebar ul, #sidebar ul ol { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #sidebar ul li { list-style-type: none; list-style-image: none; margin-bottom: 15px; } #sidebar ul li ul li{ padding-left:18px; background:url('images/zen_bullet.gif') no-repeat 0 1px; } #sidebar ul p, #sidebar ul select { margin: 5px 0 8px; } #sidebar ul ul{ margin: 6px 0 0 3px; } #sidebar ul ol { margin: 5px 0 0 10px; } #sidebar ul ul ul, #sidebar ul ol { margin: 0 0 0 10px; } ol li, #sidebar ul ol li { list-style: decimal outside; } #sidebar ul ul li, #sidebar ul ol li { margin: 4px 0 0; padding: 0; } #sidebar a, #footer a{ color: #736357; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
That means your links have a size of 62% or 10px, because there is no other text command.
I have checked your Twitter sidebar area and sorted out to show what really works in your code and what doesn’t have influence. I suppose you have copied the sidebar text from another weblog and took over its source code:
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I would suggest that you sort out what is neccessary and what you don’t need in your sidebar text (and give it a structure like my one. Yours looks like a chaos and it’s always difficult to sort our code problems with such a chaos)
Now, you have got empty div commands <div>
Give it a class like twitter (or look for another word :-D) and write
`div.twitter {
margin-bottom: 20px;
}into your css and check the space between the different blocks. It might be that you need more or less space.
No solution is that <p></p>
p is a paragraph command for text, which shouldn’t be used for missing cssGood luck
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