Hi Threethings!
I’ve been watching your site and maybe i have some comments that could help you.
The Mess:
Usually while visiting webpages i like to see its content well organized and pretty clear.
What i miss about your site is exactlly that.
At the top there is a huge banner (too big in my opinion, cuz you’ll force laptop users to scroll down to start seeing content)
After that, The Menu:
* Home
* Affiliates & Links
* Banners & Avatars
* Contact
* T-Shirts
* Top 5 Books
* Site
Wait! that is too messy!
The webpage is about book reviews but in the main menu there are more references to design (banners, avatars, t-shirts) than the book thingies.
Also doesnt understand that order.
Usually “contact” and “affiliates/links” are the last items of a menu.
At least i attempt to always put them at the last places because if a user wants to just quickly log in my site, and contact me he will find always the contact tab at the last place of the menu.
ALso there are some grafical glitches that should be repaired.
but for now and to start talking to you, in my opinion the whole site is too messy.
I think you should to sit and think about the content you wanna display and the most important thing: “how you are going to display it”
In other words: If you wanna a book review blog. Make it be a book review blog at 100%
Exclude the design part because it has nothing to do with book reviewing unless those t-shirt are designs from books.
In example: I am a graphic designer and i made a portofolio webpage, ok. But i also like to cook but i’m not going to mix cook recipes and design in my portofolio because i think that the targets who are interested in recipes doesnt want to see my designs and viceversa…
hope we could exchange more opinions!
best wishes!