• I have a blog.com blog and it sent me here for help because I guess this is their forum. I don’t know but I’m starting to get really annoyed with Blog.Com

    For starters:
    Its not even in English which is what I put in my settings. The “comments” say “commentar” or somehting that doesn’t even look English.
    I changed my comment settings to allow anyone to post comments on my blog. I don’t know if its safe to say I removed comment moderation so just to be extra sure my friends could comment without any hassles of needing an account.

    I had gotten one anonymous comment from someone but the person’s comment showed up blank. I know who it was who was trying to comment btw.
    The second person I asked to give me a comment tried commenting on my blog 6 or more times with no comments appearing not even in the pending section. No where I mean no where. I’m supposed to get an email and nada.
    Finally I got a female friend of mine to try it and she also got the same problem. What do I have to do to get a comment on my blog from my friends with out all of this sweat blood and tears?
    No one can comment on my blog except registered users and I unchecked that
    It looks like this:
    Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article (slows down posting.) [/]
    Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks.)[/]
    Allow people to post comments on the article [/]
    (These settings may be overridden for individual articles.) ( i have not overridden anything)
    Other comment settings:
    Comment author must fill out name and e-mail (not checked)
    Users must be registered and logged in to comment (not checked)
    Automatically close comments on articles older than x days (not selected)
    Enable threaded (nested) comments levels deep (checked)
    Break comments into pages with comments per page and the page displayed by default (checked)
    Comments should be displayed with the newer comments at the top of each page
    E-mail me whenever Anyone posts a comment [/]
    A comment is held for moderation
    Before a comment appears An administrator must always approve the comment [not checked]
    Comment author must have a previously approved comment [not checked]
    Comment Moderation:
    There is NO comment moderation whatsoever and its a pg blog.

    Can someone tell me why my friends and family cannot post comments? It doesn’t tell them anything like “you skipped required fields.” or “Access denied.” they hit post, the page reloads and nothing happens on either end.
    I feel like quitting over here and taking my material elsewhere. I know blogspot allows comments.

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  • Blog.com is nothing to do with WordPress.com or .org. I ain’t sure what backend it uses but any questions should be directed to blog.com.

    However, WordPress does it own free blog hosting which by the sounds of your post, will be far much better. Go to https://www.wordpress.com and have a look. You won’t reget it.

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