• Good Day.
    My wordpress blog fell apart after I tried optimizing it with smush.it and w3 total cache. I had previously created a backup before installing these.
    After smushing the images and using the default total cache settings to optimize, I checked it on pingdom and the result was wonderful. I was happy and impressed but then at some point i noticed an increase in load time and decided to empty the cache (I don’t know if its a good thing) and then it went berserk.
    I rechecked with Pingdom and it recorded a 27sec load time and items even on pindom’s screenshot were scattered.
    I panicked and restored my backup thinking it was going to make things better. I lost my recent posts in the process and still the issue remained unresolved.

    What do I do to make things go back the way they were?

    Screenshot image: https://imgur.com/Z8vFmCU
    But this is a screenshot of what it used to be: https://imgur.com/itjMNK3

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