• #FrustrationFree #Efficient #ExcellentSupport #AffordablePRO —> #BrilliantResults!!! <—

    I’ve tried 3 of the “top-rated” seo tools listed in the WP repository and they all seemed bloated with featured I didn’t need and that either slowed down my site on a highly optimized HHVM>PHP-FPM w/NGINX server, or if they weren’t slowing admin page load down, they were adding far too many options and red-light seo warnings that were completely unfounded (yeah, that’s you Yoast). This was almost enough to make me say “hell NO to SEO” and just give up on pretty search results and the whole social network sharing mess…

    … and then I found SEO ULTIMATE and noticed a few peculiar things happening… 1) adding/editing pages in admin was blazing fast compared to the others, 2) I could enable or disable feature modules that pertained to my requirements, and 3) after the no-brainer decision to buy Pro for HALF the price of the others, I found just a few issues that Jeffrey (the developer, not an outsourced support rep) called me personally to walk me through. One issue we realized was on Twitter’s end, the others were my user error/confusion and Jeffrey agreed to clarify some example texts and update the Twitter section accordingly – but it ALL WORKS and it all works BRILLIANTLY.

    I’ve never been so happy with an SEO plugin after being FRUSTRATED with so many other overpriced SEO junk plugins that I will honestly never purchase another license for after all they put me through.

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