I’ve created a page with Elementor with “my-account” slug, I put right there the Woocommerce shortcode [woocommerce_my_account] which is the common to bring the information for each logged user.
The problem is that logged in users can’t change the name, email or password on the “Account Details” form. It only work with logged in user who has “Administrator” rol.
I understand that logged in users cannot change their account details within “My Account”, is this correct?
I was unable to reproduce this issue on my test site, as the “Account Details” can be edited without any issues when a user is logged in, and their role set to “Customer”. Below are screenshots of my results:
The User Role [Jillian Woo]:
Editing the account details results:
Please could you clarify what exactly occurs when a user tries to update their account details while logged in? Do they encounter any error messages, or is the detail fields uneditable?
If possible, please could you share a clear screenshot of what occurs when trying to update these details so that we can understand the issue a bit better.
Snipboard.io?can be used for easily sharing screenshots – please follow the instructions on that page, then paste the URL in this thread.
Additionally, please could you share a copy of the following;
System Status Report: navigate to?WooCommerce?→?Status. Select?Get system report?and then?Copy for support.
Fatal Error log: Share a copy of any fatal error log found under?WooCommerce?→?Status?→?Logs.
Once you have these, please share them in your response here.
Regarding to your question, the user I use for testing purposes has “Customer” rol, when I tried to edit any user detail in the form simply nothing happens. The message you show in the screenshot (Account details changed successfully) doesn’t appear to me, neither a red message or error message, simply, nothing happens, when I click the “Save Changes” button the page refresh and the data I edited return to its previous values.
Something I want to add. If I edit the details of the “Administrator” account while I’m logged in with this role, I can edit the user details without problem. It is worth clarifying that I CAN edit the user details with the form generated by the [woocommerce_my_account] shortcode in “my-account” slug (page), I’m not talking about editing the user in the native WordPress user editor.
I have discovered this was an error from my side, nothing related with Woocommerce.
The error was that I forced new user registration to have the email as the Display Name, therefore if you try to edit your account details, apparently the Display Name field doesn’t support values like an email, it was causing the Woocommerce edit account form to not submit correctly, out of curiosity I changed the Display Name field to an alphanumeric value (no ‘@’ no dots) and the changes were saved correctly.
On the other hand, I have a problem that I can’t see a success or error notice during the edition, as you have showed on your image “Account details changed successfully”, to not mix topics I’ll open a new one and mark this as resolved.