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18 years, 12 months ago
Hey, where did the wordpress multi user site go?
We don’t really know… since we don’t support that script.
Sorry, the site is moving right now.
I have no idea, as I am currently trying and wanting to install that “version” of wordpress onto one of my domain. I do hope it comes back soon…
18 years, 11 months ago
Any ideas as to when it will be back? It’s been three days…
there is the message that says “The forums are being redone, should be back tomorrow.” so it will always be tomorow when they are back. Isnt that some kind of infinity loop, or a page loop ()?.
The forums are being redone, should be back tomorrow.
I guess tomorrow never comes.
The real quistion is will it come back and WHEN???
The answer is “…should be back tomorrow.”