thanks realloc, that is helpful…
Basically this all means that i would have to learn how to set up and use multisite and a network and then this plugin and then also the domain mapper you suggest and finally, perhaps something to copy and transfer my existing site over into it’s new domain/home and then translate it!!
and i am relatively new to WordPress!!! ( i have just learnt/am learning to use a single site, let alone a multisite… )
So, i am just wondering, my initial plan was to build two separate sites, one .com in English, one .gr in Greek and then build links between them using a flag image of the other language on each page which was translated…
The disadvantage i see with this method is that i have to manually do this and make sure i don’t “forget” to put a flag somewhere… and also that the flag has to go on the page itself ( if i put it in the sidebar i don’t then know how to link to the specific page it needs to link to… is there a way to do this? )
The advantage is that i keep the two sites clean and clear and working separately and i don’t have to learn how to use ( for now at least… ) all this new stuff…
What do you say, is this, my initial solution a good one and is there a way to make it better that you know of but without ( yet ) having to learn to use all this new stuff which i would love to learn but that i don’t exactly have time to learn right now.. ( i have to get back to my work as i unfortunately need to make some money to live! )
I am also considering wpml but i don’t like the idea that it messes with the wordpress and site stucture… plus i have to learn lots of stuff there too i am sure…
thank you so much in advance for your time…