• I have just installed Multisite using subdomains. Each subdomain site has the same theme but I wish that theme to function slightly different ( I will alter some of the files according to subdomain). I cannot find where he separate instances of the theme are stored on my server. How do I alter each instance of the same theme so I can have them look slightly different? Your help is appreciated. ?? Thanks!!!!

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  • Is there some reason you can’t just use a widget? One where you can pick a category, regardless of name or number?


    way less work for ya.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, because that list of widgets will do exactly what I want – but aren’t widgets only posted in the sidebar?

    But I will take a look at them and see if any are usable in the way I want to use them. Or maybe I can learn something from them.

    I never think to look in widgets because I don’t use them with this theme, but maybe I can tweak something …

    Thanks for your patience Andrea_r ??

    but aren’t widgets only posted in the sidebar?

    No. ??

    Make a widget area in the content section, or maye using home.php. put a widget in it that shows posts. PRESTO!

    See the latest posts section on the front of this page? https://homeschooljournal.net/

    Right now it’s set to show all categories, but I could put that same widget in there 5 times to show 5 different categories.

    OK, lightbulb.

    So far this works:


    <?php $feature_post = get_posts( 'category=1&numberposts=1' ); ?>

    Change to:

    <?php $feature_post = get_posts( 'category_name=travel-with-a-twist&numberposts=1' ); ?>

    So simple. But maybe posting this will help someone else. It seems to work – it uses the category slugs, so the slugs have to be the same across the main site and subdomains, but those are much easier to edit than category numbers.

    I may change it be more dynamic later – but for now I want to get the whole site moved and functioning first, and then I’ll mess with it.

    Now, onto that rotating header image problem.

    Thanks Andrea_r!

    For notation’s sake in case anyone else is looking …

    The Random Image Selector will allow for separate header image folders for each subdomain.


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