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  • Plugin Author AmauriC


    Yes, you can use the app on a website that is included on a multisite installation.

    Thread Starter Opeyemi Timothy


    How does it work
    Does is work for subdirectory and subdomain multisite or it only works when custom domain is used??
    I’m trying it currently on a subdirectory multisite and it is not working.

    Plugin Author AmauriC


    The url didnt matter (subdomain, folder, domain).

    What is not working? Probably not related to the multisite.

    Thread Starter Opeyemi Timothy


    1. It didn’t work on a subsite in a subdirectory multisite setup.

    And again we should be able to use our own theme for the app.
    I have a strictly mobile first theme, the app’s default theme does not come close.

    2. How can I use my own theme??

    Plugin Author AmauriC


    You can change the app theme from the wpmobile plugin > theme and colors.

    I just published an update of the plugin, if you are on wordpress 6.4, first update the wpmobile plugin.

    Thread Starter Opeyemi Timothy


    1. I can add the notification badge to my theme, but how can I add the notifications page to the theme also so that when I click on the badge it doesn’t take me to a 404 page and takes me to the notifications instead? Is that possible??
    I don’t want to use the default theme at all.

    2. Is it possible to have that top loading animation (not the white screen) in my theme like it is in the default theme?

    3. How do we add a custom frontpage as the default landing page. For example I will like users to land on the register page or shop page on opening the app?

    Plugin Author AmauriC


    1- Instead of using the notification badge, create a new page and add as content this shortcode:


    Some CSS will probably be required if you dont use the native interface.

    2- No, this is a part of the native theme

    3- From the Homepage and menu section of the plugin

    Thread Starter Opeyemi Timothy


    So, how does the license work in multisite?

    And is there a way to test the push notification?

    Plugin Author AmauriC


    The licence is the same, one licence for one app on the store.

    If you want 5 differents apps on the store, you need 5 licences.

    Push cant be tested, the app have to be published first.

    Thread Starter Opeyemi Timothy


    2- No, this is a part of the native theme

    Can you help with a custom code to achieve that with my theme. It’s really great for UX.

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