Multisite settings not clear
Multisite settings not clear.
I have a multisite insatll for only two subfolders sites.
1) redirects to
I use the hueman theme with 3 child themes with little customization.In minify I choose the settings recomended for hueman theme.
However, in the css I also choose the style for each child theme, which is really the same, between them. There is a difference in other files of each child theme.At this point is unclear which has to be the active theme.
A few minutes ago, I discovered that this option is check by default:
“Use single network configuration file for all sites.
Only one configuration file for whole network will be created and used. Recommended if all sites have the same configuration.”I will appreciate if somebody could show me a kb for W3TC, with a clear guide about multisite and child theme styles minification
Thanks in advance
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
If you use a CDN like CloudFlare, then the minification will be handled by CloudFlare. If you use CloudFlare, you should turn off minification in the general tab. You can then leave these settings at their default values.
If you are not using CloudFlare and there is any difference between configuration of the themes, you should untick “Use single network configuration file for all sites” box.This should resolve your issue.
Hi @vmarko,
Thanks, I use Keycdn.
I had unchecked “Use single network configuration file for all sites” box. And clear cache from w3tc, varnish, and cdn. However still see the child theme style as unminified in PageSpeed. Any suggestion?Could you please share the contents of your
file so I can replicate the issue?Hi @gidomanders,
This are the recommended settings from Hueman theme developer, and cloudways hosting.
This is the content ofwp-content/w3tc-config/master.php
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Could you share the PageSpeed results too? I think the files are minified, but you didn’t enable
line break removal
norpreserved comment removal
. That could mean your files could be minified even more, which is what PageSpeed is telling you.Hi @gidomanders
Thanks for your time.
The css of the child theme, appears not minified in the desktop version:
Sorry for the late response.
Your file appears to be minified partially, like the first x lines have CSS rules on one line, but as you didn’t enable line break removal, nor preserved comment removal, the file is not as small as can be. This is why PageSpeed Insights is telling you it could be minified even more.
I also see there is a line:
.superindice {vertical-align:super}
I think you have to add a semicolon before the closing accolade (also with the CSS-line below that one). This might increase the readability for CSS Minify.
Hi @gidomanders,
thanks for taking the time to reply.
I arranged the style file.
I add: “Preserved comment removal Line break removal”
However, when I saved them, they always become unchecked.Maybe there is an inconsistency because the parent style comes with a file without comments and without spaces.
OK, do not mind, I will live with this issue.
I have one more issue, which is:
In Pingdom I see:
Remove query strings from static resourcesI have:
“Prevent caching of objects after settings change” unchecked
“Remove query strings from static resources” checkedAccording to Pingdom those settings are not working.
Thanks in advance.Could you please check how your stylesheets are enqueued? Does it use the version variable or is the query string appended to the URL?
Thanks for your reply.
All this resources are loading from the CDN with custom url They are setup from the following plugin: CDN Enabler.
In the source code of the site, URL of theme and plugins has the following path:
You are using a CDN, but you didn’t enable CDN in Performance => General Settings. Also, I think the CND Enabler plugin does exactly what our CDN feature is capable of. Our CDN feature knows about the other settings, so removing the query strings will work using our feature. The CDN Enabler might not be compatible with W3 Total Cache, replacing URLs in your website too late, so the remove query strings feature won’t work.
Hi @gidomanders,
Thanks for your reply.
I know that W3TC is better than any other is, because I tried several caching plugins. However, I only achieved good results with w3tc when I found the proper settings for me.
I knew that I could enable the CDN from W3TC. Nevertheless, as there was not special settings for Keycdn or Bunnycdn (which I use now), only generic settings; I decided to use their own plugin to enable CDN. I thought that I could run in new problems with an error in configuration of W3TC.
I will try now enabling CDN from W3TC.
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