I thought that’s what you meant with the following from your documentation page:
“Multisite is activated Plugin can assing users to blogs after importing them roles. This is how it works:
” You have to create a column called ‘blogs’: if cell is empty, it won’t assign users to any blog; if cell has a value, it will be used. You have to fill it with blog_id
Multiple blogs can be assigned creating a list of blog ids using commas to separate values.
But while that would be nice, the way I use your plug-in is to add people to individual class sites (i.e., subdirectories) one class at a time. That’s the way I had been using Import/Export/etc. for the past 3 years on this same multisite.
Finally, let me put in a plug for the broad applicability of multisite. There are many organizations with components that involve a subset of organization members. For organizational websites, it is important to allow access (and notifications using notification plug-ins) just to the members of that component (class, in our case). WordPress provides a great structure for this, but we need to be able to assign members to each component independently. Note that in our case, people can have more than one class, so each component needs to be able to be populated independently. It’s not just dividing the large group into non-overlapping pieces.