• Hello again ??

    I know multisite support is a long story, but anyway will ask you to think about it.

    Plugin works for multisite except it works for one site only. For the main one.

    The problem is USER is always the same for all the sites in network and has same preferences for all sites.

    So, you are using the WEBSITE parameter of USER which can be only ONE. That mean if I have english website with english page of use A nad german website with german page for same user A then your plugin can use only one of those pages.

    I don’t see any simple solutions here. The only solution I can propose to you is to set multiple WEBSITE urls in to the same field using some kind of delimeter. For example “^” symbol is not used in URLs and can separate two URLs in same WEBSITE string.


    You can then parse this string very fast.

    There is another problem I see in multisite configuration. I can’t save the scedule for the second site. It’s ok for main site, but not for other sites. I can’t help here because I’m not sure where you store this information (in which table?). Looks like plugin can’t save scedule settings in to tables of second website. They usually have additional prefix like “wp2_, wp3_ etc…”

    Well… Sorry for asking too much )) but it is very harf to edit schedule for 20+ people for each site language. So I want to switch to multisite and have setup everything except your plugin which I really love and need.

    Thank you!


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  • Thread Starter xmmassage


    Oh, I found you store user page as a page ID in attmgr_mypage_id so, you can easily store something like attmgr_mypage_id_2 for second website?

    I also found that options for cron and others are saved similar for main website as well as for second, but I still can not understand why I can’t save schedule for second website.

    Thread Starter xmmassage



    I have FIX schedule savings and point the plugin to use ONE table wp_attmgr_schedule for all the sites in network.

    So, now when I edit schedule for one site it is updated for all sites.

    The only FIX I have applied is this one:

    So, I found all the places where you work with this table:
    $prefix = $wpdb->prefix.ATTMGR::TABLEPREFIX;
    $table = $prefix.’schedule’;

    AND changed them to:
    $prefix = $wpdb->base_prefix.ATTMGR::TABLEPREFIX;

    And now it works everywhere with only one table. This is exactly what I need.

    Edit once = automatically edited for all sites.

    Please include this in your next version. BTW. it will be nice to have ONE global variable with table prefix which you will use in all the places ). To be able to edit it just once.

    NOW I still trying to find the way to attach a user to different posts. I mean to German language post for German website and to English post for English website.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter xmmassage


    FOUND elegant solution to tie up one user with multiple posts!

    So, in general, all you need is to add additional prefix to the record in to the wp_usermeta table.

    Prefix like:


    To create such prefix I’ve used wp db prefix at the end of string. Like this:

    public static function save_staff_url( $post_id ) {
    		global $wpdb;
    		$post = get_post( $post_id );
    		$staff = ATTMGR_User::parse_sfaff_id( $post->post_content );
    		if ( $staff ) {
    			wp_update_user( array( 'ID'=>$staff->data['ID'], 'user_url'=>get_permalink( $post_id ) ) );
    			update_user_meta( $staff->data['ID'], ATTMGR::PLUGIN_ID.'_mypage_id_'.$wpdb->prefix, $post_id );

    [Moderator Note: Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    So, I’ve used ‘_mypage_id_’.$wpdb->prefix

    Now, I have to edit all the places where you work with ‘_mypage_id’ ))) But, it’s ok…

    Can you please include this solution in to next update. It wouldn’t change anything for regular (one site) setup, but will help with multiplesites setup.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter xmmassage



    Both my solutions work )).

    Now i have for multisite setup:

    * One common schedule
    * Different pages for same USER

    Please include both fixes in to next version. Also:

    Please note that currently your plugin store OPTIONS in different tables for each site in network. This might be a problem. I recommend to move plugin options on to NETWORK dashboard page and store plugin options in to one common table (wp_options) for all the sites in network.

    Thank you again for your very helpful plugin!

    Thread Starter xmmassage


    Ohh… I forgot one more think.

    In case of multisite (multilanguages) it will be very useful to set different names to USERS for different sites.

    You can’t set additional name in general wp USER but maybe you can add one additional attribute to your shortcode?

    [attmgr_weekly id=”27″ hide=”1″ name=”BRUCE LEE”]

    and for russian language

    [attmgr_weekly id=”27″ hide=”1″ name=”БРЮС ЛИ”]

    So, we can easily change the name as we need. If attribute is empty, then use user nickname as usual.

    Thx )

    Plugin Author tnomi


    Your solution is wonderful !
    A person with the same needs in the multisite should refer to this topic.

    * One common schedule
    * Different pages for same USER

    That seems similar to “Pre-Domain Mode (uses https://en.yoursite.com)” of a “qTranslate X” plug-in in the single site which is not a multisite.

    * There are individual staff each site.

    I feel the multisite may be suitable in that case.

    By the way, I don’t hope that “Attendance Manager” is being equipped with everything.

    I hope that it is customized originally according to the respective needs.
    Just like your original solution.

    But I feel that your idea about the “name” attribute in [attmgr_weekly] is good.
    I will think about that.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author tnomi


    * There are individual staff each site.

    In that cace, I did the following procedure.

    1. Add a 2nd site.
    2. Copy a table “wp_attmgr_schedule” as “wp_2_attmgr_schedule”.
      CREATE TABLE wp_2_attmgr_schedule LIKE wp_attmgr_schedule;
    3. Export the “pages” of main site. (“Tools > Export > pages”)
      * daily
      * weekly
      * monthly
      * staff_scheduler
      * admin_scheduler
    4. Import these “pages” into 2nd site.
    5. Add new user to 2nd site.
    6. Add new post to for that user.
      (Insert a short code [attmgr_weekly id=”xx”] to that post.)
    7. Edit the schedule of that user.
    Thread Starter xmmassage



    Thank you for answering!

    >>I don’t hope that “Attendance Manager” is being equipped with everything.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Add both my fixes to support multisite! It will be almost impossible for me to follow your updates if I will need to add this code each time. There are too many places.

    If you will add my simple fixes you will get MULTISITE support without changing anything for singlesite version.

    You can change and expand multisite features in the future, but on this stage, simple support is enough.

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Your plugin is one of the most useful on my site!

    Plugin Author tnomi


    I would add a filter hook “attmgr_schedule_table_name” in the next version.
    When it is so, you can rewrite that in “functions.php” of the theme you use.
    For example,

    if ( class_exists( 'ATTMGR' ) ) {
        remove_filter( 'attmgr_schedule_table_name', array( 'ATTMGR_Activation', 'schedule_table' ) );
        add_filter( 'attmgr_schedule_table_name', 'your_schedule_table' );
    function your_schedule_table( $table ) {
        global $wpdb;
        return $wpdb->base_prefix.'attmgr_schedule';

    And, I would not change a short cord “[attmgr_weekly]”.
    Because you can rewrite that freely.
    For example,

    remove_shortcode( 'attmgr_weekly', array( 'ATTMGR_Shortcode', 'weekly' ) );
    add_shortcode( 'attmgr_weekly', 'your_weekly' );
    function your_weekly( ... ) {

    And, I would not also change a function “save_staff_url”.
    Because you can also rewrite that freely.
    For example,

    remove_action( 'publish_post', array( 'ATTMGR_User', 'save_staff_url' ) );
    add_action( 'publish_post', 'your_save_staff_url' );
    function your_save_staff_url( $post_id ){

    By the way,

    It will be almost impossible for me to follow your updates if I will need to add this code each time. There are too many places.

    Should not you fork this plugin for your purpose?
    My update would not be always able to please you.

    Thread Starter xmmassage



    >>Should not you fork this plugin for your purpose?
    Adding multisite support is not just my purpose. I believe many people will need this.

    Anyway, you are adding many good features which I don’t want to lose in own fork ). AND I’m not a developer. I do understand things I have to change in code to cover my needs but this is all I can.

    THANK YOU FOR HOOKS, I will try to use this solution. Hope it will work and I can add code in to functions.php

    Have a good day and thank you for update!

    Plugin Author tnomi


    Thank you, too.

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