Hey @jockebq
I use this plugin too on a multisite, however, what you are asking for is not out of the box, but it does have some multisite support built-in, just not for the options. I see a lot of the code in basic-setup.php and there is its own multisite.php, so basically all you need to do it make the options work the same way, so what you can do, and I have done with other plugins is take the code as is and modify it as a separate plugin and add the multisite vars to functions to try and make it network-friendly such as:
public function function_name($network_wide) {
Then you would need to make sure the options you want are inherited and maybe go further and add a toggle option to override network settings per site if you want.
if ( is_multisite() ) {
$inherit_option = get_option( 'superpwa_inherit_settings' );
$inherit = true;
if ( ! is_network_admin() && '0' === $inherit_option ) {
$inherit = false;
echo '<h1>Using global settings: ' . ( $inherit ? 'YES' : 'NO' ) . '</h1>';
I haven’t inspected the code of this plugin too much so you’d have to probably dig a lot more than I did and make sure it creates the options in wp_options for each site as they would if they were activated independently if you choose to do this while also having them in network_options, and definitely do this on a staging server if you end up exploring it.
What I still do is activate the plugin on a per-site basis which works fine for me. I’m not sure about your situation but the biggest multisite I manage is 30 sites and since the config is pretty simple it doesn’t bother me not to have globals for these settings as each site is unique as well.