multisite network admin improved user search
I started working on an extension of this plugin to WP Multisite, but have not gotten too far. I reset the options page as a subpage instead, and attempted to implement a naive search improvement based on this:
However, I did not see results. Would be interested in properly porting the single-site improvement to the network admin user page, but unsure of how the network search query is constructed.
Code thus far:
<?php /* Plugin Name: Improved User Search in Backend Plugin URI: Description: Improves the search for users in the backend significantly: Search for first name, last, email and more of users instead of only nicename. Version: 1.2.3 Author: David St?ckl Author URI: */ /* version check */ global $wp_version; if(version_compare($wp_version,"3.0","<")) { exit('Improved User Search in Backend requires WordPress version 3.0 or higher. <a href="">Please update!</a>'); } // all of this is only for admin interface, is_admin does not check for admin user role if( is_admin() ) { // add the overwrite actions for the search if (!is_network_admin() ) { add_action('pre_user_query', 'user_search_by_multiple_parameters'); } /*if ( is_network_admin() ) { add_action('pre_user_query', 'network_user_search_by_multiple_parameters'); }*/ // add the backend menu page if (!is_network_admin() ) { add_action('admin_menu','improved_user_search_in_backend_options'); } /*if ( is_network_admin() ) { add_action('network_admin_menu','improved_user_search_in_backend_network_options'); }*/ // network search improvement option /* function network_user_search_by_multiple_parameters($wp_user_query) { echo "Hello three"; if(false === strpos($wp_user_query->query_where, '@') && !empty($_GET["s"])) { $wp_user_query->query_where = str_replace( "user_nicename LIKE '%".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["s"])."%'", "user_nicename LIKE '%".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["s"])."%' OR user_login LIKE '%".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["s"])."%' OR display_name LIKE '%".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["s"])."%' OR user_email LIKE '%".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["s"])."%'", $wp_user_query->query_where); } return $wp_user_query; } */ // the actual improvement of the query function user_search_by_multiple_parameters($wp_user_query) { if(false === strpos($wp_user_query->query_where, '@') && !empty($_GET["s"])) { global $wpdb; $uids=array(); // get the custom meta fields to search $iusib_custom_meta = get_option('iusib_meta_fields'); $iusib_cma = explode(",",$iusib_custom_meta); $iusib_add = ""; // the escaped query string $qstr = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["s"]); // add all custom fields into the query if(!empty($iusib_cma)) { $iusib_add = " OR meta_key='".implode("' OR meta_key='",$wpdb->escape($iusib_cma))."'"; } $usermeta_affected_ids = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE (meta_key='first_name' OR meta_key='last_name'".$iusib_add.") AND LOWER(meta_value) LIKE '%".$qstr."%'"); foreach($usermeta_affected_ids as $maf) { array_push($uids,$maf->user_id); } $users_affected_ids = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE LOWER(user_nicename) LIKE '%".$qstr."%' OR LOWER(user_email) LIKE '%".$qstr."%'"); foreach($users_affected_ids as $maf) { if(!in_array($maf->ID,$uids)) { array_push($uids,$maf->ID); } } $id_string = implode(",",$uids); $wp_user_query->query_where = str_replace("user_nicename LIKE '%".$qstr."%'", "ID IN(".$id_string.")", $wp_user_query->query_where); } return $wp_user_query; } // add the options page function improved_user_search_in_backend_options() { if (!is_network_admin() ) { add_options_page('User Search','User Search', 'manage_options',__FILE__,'improved_user_search_in_backend_page'); } } // add the network options page /* function improved_user_search_in_backend_network_options() { if ( is_network_admin() ) { add_submenu_page('settings.php','User Search','User Search', 'manage_options',__FILE__,'improved_user_search_in_backend_page'); } }*/ // add the options page function improved_user_search_in_backend_page() { ?> <div class="wrap"> <div><?php screen_icon('options-general'); ?></div> <h2>Settings: Improved user search in backend</h2> <?php if(isset($_POST['improved_user_search_in_backend_update']) && $_POST['improved_user_search_in_backend_update']!="") { // remove whitespace $sanitized = implode(",",array_map('trim', explode(",",$_POST['iusib_meta_fields']))); update_option('iusib_meta_fields',stripslashes($sanitized)); ?> <div id="setting-error-settings_updated" class="updated settings-error"> <p><strong><?php _e('Settings saved successfully.','improved-user-search-in-backend'); ?></strong></p> </div> <?php } ?> <form name="improved_user_search_in_backend_update" method="post" action=""> <div> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row">Custom Meta Fields (comma seperated)</th> <td><textarea name="iusib_meta_fields" rows="6" cols="50"><?php echo get_option('iusib_meta_fields'); ?></textarea></td> <td class="description">Add custom user meta fields from your usermeta table for integration in the user search (e.g. "url", "description", "aim", or custom like "birthday")</td> </tr> </table> <p></p> <p><input type="hidden" name="improved_user_search_in_backend_update" value="true" /> <input type="submit" name="Save" value="Save Settings" class="button-primary" /></p> </div> </form> </div> <?php } } register_activation_hook(__FILE__,"improved_user_search_in_backend_activate"); function improved_user_search_in_backend_activate() { register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__,"improved_user_search_in_backend_uninstall"); } function improved_user_search_in_backend_uninstall() { // delete all options, tables, ... delete_option('iusib_meta_fields'); } ?>
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