Great plugin!
We run ti on a WP 4.1 Multisite network activated site by site and it works fine.
1) We use WP-members and it uses shortcodes on custom pages to render the forms and it would be GREAT if your plugin could hook into custom pages to it would merge and work with WP-Members and other plugins that use custom pages for login and registration.
Custom registration and signup forms seem to be the source of all spam signups since we activated your plugin. We do not get any through the network register form where Math Captcha is present.
2) It would be nice to have a color picker option and custom css field for setting the font formatting and color. We use it on same pages with backgrounds and the font gets washed out and becomes invisible.
I would donate some development dollars for this if that would help expedite adding these 2 features. Would that help?
Thanks for a great plugin and for considering this feature request.