• Resolved jeff.cave


    Just started to consider the plugin for a multi-site install. I was wondering if you were giving any consideration to a more multi-site friendly configuration.

    Basically I’m thinking move the configuration section to the super admins and disallow individual sites from mucking about with it. In fact, they don’t need to see the config at all, their images just get compressed and they don’t have to know why, or what happened.


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  • Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Hmm, I suppose one would have to check to see if the plugin is activated system-wide, or just for a specific site, and then act accordingly. I’ll mark this as a feature request, and put it on the todo list.

    Thread Starter jeff.cave


    Feature List: That is all I can ask…. Thank-you.

    Yes a global configuration would be awesome. Now you need to manually configure EVERY site in your network. A tab with global conf here: wp-admin/network/settings.php?page=ewww-image-optimizer-bulk would be so awesome!!

    Just like another of my favourite image plugins, imsanity

    Thanks for a great plugin nosilver4u! Hope this feature will be implemented

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    FYI, did some research on this today, and it will be more work than I expected. Could be a while before this feature lands while I work on some more low-hanging fruit.

    Thread Starter jeff.cave


    I agree. I looked at it as well: non-trivial.

    Though I did have a shortcut thought. You could just elevate the required permissions of the configuration forms in Multi-site environments. Having said that, I’m not sure that is desirable for most people. This is a tricky one from a use case perspective as well: some people want it at the site level; some at the multi-site level; some a combination of both.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    My intention was to provide a site-level config if the plugin is activated at the plugin level, and a network-level config if the plugin is activated at the network level.

    Generally, I think blog admins should be able to configure their own plugins if they have been given the right to administer everything else on a blog. However, if the plugin has been network activated, one would presume that there are a couple reasons:
    1. the network admin wants to mandate image optimization, and would also probably want to mandate certain settings
    2. the network admin wants to make things easier to manage and not activate the plugin 50 times(which I think is the case for those who have posted here), and so they would also like to configure the plugin once for all 50 blogs as well.

    With that in mind, I think my plan should cover most use cases. And it shouldn’t be too difficult to tweak if someone wants to activate it network wide and permit site admins to configure the plugin.

    Thread Starter jeff.cave


    I agree.

    sound perfect, +1.

    Is this work in progress? I would consider to donate to get this feature ASAP!

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    not yet, and I can’t commit to developing certain features based upon donations. That would be ‘work for hire’ and I’m pretty sure it would violate the paypal terms of service (since I’m using a donation button, and not a standard paypal storefront). You’re welcome to donate anyway, and it certainly looks like multi-site admin will be the next feature I work on. Just can’t say for sure how long that will take since I do this during my free time.

    In the meantime, Multisiters, you could use the YD Network-wide Options plugin to copy those options across. Probably you’ll find that plugin handy for a whole host of MS plugin sync’ing.

    (Am running my first optimization right now, nosilver4u … this had better be good! I suspect it will, from comments around and about so, in good faith, thank you, Sir. :))

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    dev version has full network support if anyone wants to test it early.

    Thread Starter jeff.cave


    Sorry it took me some time to wipe my slate clean.

    Did some basic testing:
    – it installs cleanly.
    – The menu access is what I would expect.
    – The default configuration seems alright.

    I give it a “pass” (though I haven’t exactly done thorough testing)

    I currently have 1.4.3 installed on my live site and will keep you posted.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    1.4.3 was officially released with multi-site support. If you installed the dev version within the last 3 or 4 days, you shouldn’t need to re-install it. Otherwise, I recommend installing the latest stable version.

    Thread Starter jeff.cave


    It’s looking good so far. Thanks!

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