It can be tricky. There are a lot of pitfalls in getting multi-lingual support going in multi-site. I wrote a tutorial for it at my workplace and it ended up being 31 steps long, with one of the steps being to read chapter 5 of the WROX Professional WordPress Plugin Development book. You’d do well to start there.
Between that book and most of the tuts around the web, you should be able to get close, but there are some important pitfalls that I did not see acknowledged very often.
– If you want the admin side to be in a different language than the front end, there is a great plugin for that, although the name escapes me. I’m sure you’ll find it if you search the repo.
– Grab the mo and po files for the appropriate language here:
And install them in your copy of WP.
– Make sure Poedit is configured to automatically compile the mo file whenever you save your po file.
– When using Poedit to make your mo file, you may find that your server does not allow Poedit to write to files. Just download your lang folder to your desktop and have Poedit write the mo file there.