• PaulMighty


    WP 3.7.1
    NextGEN 2.0.40

    Troubleshooting an issue that started occuring on our multisite install. Whenever attempting to upload images to a gallery, a JS alert pops up stating “Error: file too large”. Looking around in the plugin code I discovered that the wp_max_upload_size() function is returning 0, even though Network Settings > “Max upload filesize” is set to 200000kb. No matter what I set it to, it doesn’t reflect in NextGEN. Media Library uploads work fine, however.

    Here is my workaround…


    Line 32:
    $retval['max_file_size'] = strval(round( (int) wp_max_upload_size() / 1024 )).'kb';

    For my purposes, I changed this line to override “0kb” with “1500kb” as follows:
    $retval['max_file_size'] = ( wp_max_upload_size() ? strval(round( (int) wp_max_upload_size() / 1024 )).'kb' : '1500kb' );

    Any ideas why wp_max_upload_size() is returning 0?


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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @paulmighty – We have found an issue with MultiSite where the storage is not being addressed correctly, this is most likely part of the reason you are seeing this issue.

    We will be working on a solution to the MultiSite storage problem(s) we have found but I do not expect it will be in our next (beta) release.

    We may need one of our developers to look under the page on this for your site, would you be able to submit a Bug Report (https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/report-bug/ … please reference this topic) with appropriate log in and FTP credentials for your WordPress MultiSite installation?


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter PaulMighty


    Due to security reasons, I cannot grant access to the site in question.

    However, I have two theories:

    Theory #1
    This was not an issue with previous versions of NextGEN. Maybe the legacy code for determining Max File Size could help your development team out? Here it is:

    // Get PHP Max Upload Size
    if (function_exists('wp_max_upload_size')) $upload_max = strval(round( (int) wp_max_upload_size() / (1024 * 1024) )) . 'M';
    else if(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) $upload_max = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
    else $upload_max = __('N/A', 'nggallery');

    Theory #2
    pluggable.php is not being loaded, so the wp_max_upload_size() function is not available for use by the NextGEN plugin. The changelog states for V2.0.30 – 09.25.2013 “Fixed: Don’t load pluggable.php. This will fix plugin conflicts”

    Let me know your thoughts.


    Thread Starter PaulMighty


    The wp_max_upload_size function is in media.php, so not 100% sure about Theory #2.


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