Hi, thanks for looking into this.
All our client sites are in a large WP installation where on the Network Settings page (usually: /wp-admin/network/settings.php) we have “Enable administration menus” -> Plugins disabled. This means the ability to install plugins is restricted to the Multisite Super Admins and that works well for us because it allows our technical team to check what’s being installed so that we don’t have any inadvertent security issues. Sadly in this case, within a Multisite install, activate_plugins takes president over Administrator which ultimately means our client, who has Administrator access to their individual blog does not have high enough capabilities to open or interact with your plugin – whatsoever.
In our experience there is no benefit to restricting total access to a plugin to only those who are able to install plugins – WordPress prevents unauthorised installations naturally. I’ve found developers will usually restrict access to settings pages and notifications to those with manage_options which is roughly what I suggested and would ultimately be what would happen if you removed the unnecessary (in my view), activate_plugins restriction.
If this requirement must stay, could you make an allowance for Multisite because out of the 170+ plugins we have installed, yours will be the only one to restrict access in this way?
Hope this makes more sense and you are able to reconsider your decision.
Shane ??