• hi all – is there any quick way to INCREASE the number of default login attempts from four to 10 for all present and future sites?

    i have a multisite installation with 50+ sites — i hope i dont have to go through all of these individually and change the values ! even if i have to do it in mysql its better than nothing, unless limit-login-attempts is using some serialized values which tend to be much harder to change.

    it seems there is an incompatibility using limit-login-attempts with using SI-Captcha in that when you log out, you immediately “loose” one of your chances to log back in.


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  • Thread Starter edwardsmarkf


    i am starting to think the only way to change this value for all multisites is to do something like this:

    select blog_id from dbName.wp_blogs ;

    and for every answer:

    UPDATE dbName.wp_####_options
    SET option_value = 10
    WHERE 1
    AND option_name = ‘limit_login_allowed_lockouts’

    Edit the plugin file limit-login-attempts.php and find the array $limit_login_options. The key you are looking for is ‘allowed_retries’… change that value to 10 ??

    Oh, and if you want to hide the plugin settings admin page from normal site owners, then find the line

    add_options_page('Limit Login Attempts', 'Limit Login Attempts', 'manage_options', 'limit-login-attempts', 'limit_login_option_page');

    (it’s in the function limit_login_admin_menu() about 3/4 down the file)

    Now change 'manage_options' to 'manage_network_options' and save.

    Thread Starter edwardsmarkf


    RavanH – thank you very much. i suspected it was something pretty easy.

    of course the problem is that every time the plug-in updates, i have to remember to do this again !

    I have the feeling that this plugin will not get an update. It seems to be a little quiet on the development front. For quite a while now… Which is sad because it’s a pretty valuable plugin.

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