• I am currently setting up an instance of WordPress multisite on my local host in order to work up some websites and practice some of my web design/development stuff. I successfully installed wordpress to my local host, and can access my first site through it. I then enabled multisite by editing the .htaccess file and the wp-config file. Anytime I try to access the Network Admin page, it sends me a “can’t reach this page” message. No error message, just suggestions to refresh the browser and make sure the webaddress is typed correctly.
    I tried both of those things, obviously, but still nothing. Restarted my WAMP server, logged out and into WordPress again, etc. So I set up a debug log to capture my error messages.

    This is the code I’m getting everytime I try to access that network admin panel:

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP Notice: Undefined index: a:1:{s:3:”ssl”;b:1;} in C:\wamp2\www\wordpress\wp-includes\class-requests.php on line 213

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP Stack trace:

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP 1. {main}() C:\wamp2\www\wordpress\wp-admin\admin-ajax.php:0

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP 2. do_action() C:\wamp2\www\wordpress\wp-admin\admin-ajax.php:91

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP 3. WP_Hook->do_action() C:\wamp2\www\wordpress\wp-includes\plugin.php:453

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP 4. WP_Hook->apply_filters() C:\wamp2\www\wordpress\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:323

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP 5. call_user_func_array() C:\wamp2\www\wordpress\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:298

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP 6. wp_ajax_get_community_events() C:\wamp2\www\wordpress\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:0

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP 7. WP_Community_Events->get_events() C:\wamp2\www\wordpress\wp-admin\includes\ajax-actions.php:314

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP 8. wp_remote_get() C:\wamp2\www\wordpress\wp-admin\includes\class-wp-community-events.php:99

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP 9. WP_Http->get() C:\wamp2\www\wordpress\wp-includes\http.php:170

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP 10. WP_Http->request() C:\wamp2\www\wordpress\wp-includes\class-http.php:612

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP 11. Requests::request() C:\wamp2\www\wordpress\wp-includes\class-http.php:371

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] PHP 12. Requests::get_transport() C:\wamp2\www\wordpress\wp-includes\class-requests.php:377

    [12-Jul-2017 09:43:01] WP_Community_Events::maybe_log_events_response: No working transports found. Details: {“api_url”:”https:\/\/api.www.remarpro.com\/events\/1.0\/”,”request_args”:{“body”:{“number”:5,”ip”:”″,”locale”:”en_US”,”timezone”:”America\/New_York”}},”response_code”:””,”response_body”:null}

    I’ve done it several times and it triggers that same chunk of code.

    Any ideas? I’ve been working on this issue for 2 days, have read over the code in wp-config and htaccess multiple times, and nothing. Thanks for your help!

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  • What is this line in your code? class-requests.php on line 213

    Thread Starter ellap


    This is the line of code at line 213 in class-requests.

    if (self::$transport[$cap_string] === null) {
    throw new Requests_Exception(‘No working transports found’, ‘notransport’, self::$transports);

    Thread Starter ellap


    @jricketts4 I also found this error message in my Internet Explorer Browser

    The DNS server might be having problems.

    This makes me think it’s actually a problem with my browser because I’m using Internet Explorer, and I did just do the Creators Update on my windows machine. I saw that many people have had similar issues and random error messages on certain sites, and even on pages within sites that appear to be operational. I’m going to check for updates, and try to switch my wamp operating browser to Chrome. Fingers crossed…

    That could make sense. I hope it works.

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