I need a plugin that will disable comments on new sites in a Multisite network. Does this plugin do that?
Yes. ??
Marking this as resolved.
Awesome. Will test. Thank you.
Not resolved. Does not work in Multisite.
Disable Page Comments Please is checked.
Logged in as superadmin on the main site. Clicked the link Toggle Page Comments Off Please. Popup ‘Are you sure’. Clicked OK. Message There were no pages with comments or pings turned on (#^.^#)
The main site has pages with comments on before, comments still on. Other sites on the network same thing. No effect.
Created a new site by going through the signup process. The new site has one page, comments enabled.
You tested this and declared it working. What am I missing?
You asked this about version 1.0 of the plugin. It sounds like you are no wtrying version 2.0 which was released after my reply. I’m interested in making sure this complies with multi-site and will take a look.
Also, you may be misunderstanding the nature of the plugin. The main thing this does is uncheck the discussion boxes on new posts or pages by default per your prefs settings. Is that working?
If it’s just the back-toggle not working, I can look into that for sure. If it’s both, I can look into that too.
Just tested plugin version 1.0 on multi-site and it works as described. After installing the plugin and creating a new page, the discussion check-boxes are unchecked by default. You can download a copy of it at
I’m looking into v. 2.0 now. Since this question was regarding version 1.0, I’m marking this as resolved, however I am continuing to look into how the new version works for multisite. I’ll post updates here.
-JoeI updated so the test was done on v2.0.
“The main thing this does is uncheck the discussion boxes on new posts or pages” – do you mean the plugin only works for new pages on existing sites? If so, it’s not what I’m looking for, as the default/test page of newly created sites would still have comments enabled. This is an opening for comment spam.
(99% of users don’t know how to disable page comments even if they wanted to, as the option is hidden. Many users are not even aware that the page is there at all.)
As far as I’m concerned, comments on pages need to be totally turned off by default (at least for newly created sites), globally, with the option to enable if required (totally getting rid of commenting is going too far). This is what I’m looking for.
My question was, does it disable comments on pages on *new sites*. The answer for v2 seems to be no. I will try v1 and see what it does.
It should not matter if the site is new or not for page-comments-off-please to work. This DOES disable page comments by default when you create a new page. If you are having problems with V 2.0, you can always try to check the ‘legacy-mode’ button.
This mode will not go and uncheck pages that were already saved. There is a link to do this in v 2.0 because it was so commonly requested on my site. I have not yet tested this specific feature in multisite and am doing so now.
However PCOP 1.0 in multisite works exactly as described, therefore legacy-mode should work for you. I’m gunna pick up testing that in the morning for you ??
Generally speaking, turning off comments for a new page that is created on an existing site is a nice feature. But I also need newly created sites, which have a sample page by default, to have comments disabled for that page. Otherwise the hole is there – spammers can just go to work and nobody notices.
So, for new sites, commenting on pages, existing or new, should be off completely by default. If the user wants comments he must activate it.
Next best thing would be an option to disable comments on all pages of all the sites on the network.
These are the requirements as I see it. If it can be done, great.
Got it. That’s outside the original design parameters for the plugin – however I’m going to add it. I think that’s a great idea!
Expect this feature soon.
How about the default post too? It seems that would have similar concerns. I’m considering adding this as: 1. two preference checkboxes on the setting panel for multi-site users. Suppress Default Comments on New Sites [] sample page [] sample post.
If checked, new sites will respect this preference. Does that sound good to you?
Update: also learned that mass-toggle is not working for multi-site users. I’ll be issuing a patch to fix this – I’ve already begun testing a solution ??
Sounds great! Really looking forward to what you come up with.
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