• Hola,
    Me gustaría saber cómo utilizar este plugin en multisitio.

    Al redirigir logout no toma la ruta (#bawloginout#index.php/gracias) que le doy, se redirige a la página inicial.


    Soy espa?ol.. y la traducción de google traductor

    I am Spanish .. and translation of google translator

    I want to know how to use this plugin in multisite.

    By redirecting logout does not take the route (# bawloginout#index.php/..) I give you, you are redirected to the home page.


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  • This is also true using %actualpage%. The redirect should include the full URI and not just the path.

    From wp_login_url:

    URL to redirect to on login. Must be absolute.

    For my sites using #bawloginout#%actualpage% I changed line 23 of inc/frontend-noajax.inc.php:

    $item_redirect = network_site_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );

    I just realized that if you try to redirect to a domain other than the one you use to log in, WordPress ignores it and brings you to the Dashboard. ??

    This is how I solved the problem in my version of the plugin:

    I replaced all occurrences of $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] with my_site_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] )

    I added these two functions:

    function my_site_url( $path ) {
    	return '//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $path;
    function my_allowed_redirect_hosts( $hosts ) {
    	$allowed_hosts = array(
    		// etc
    	return array_merge( $hosts, $allowed_hosts );
    add_filter( 'allowed_redirect_hosts', 'my_allowed_redirect_hosts' );

    I moved the plugin to the mu_plugins directory so it will not be overwritten by updates.

    A further refinement—

    function my_allowed_redirect_hosts( $hosts ) {
    	$sites = wp_get_sites();
    	foreach( $sites as $site ) {
    		if( !in_array( $site['domain'], $hosts ) )
    			$hosts[] = $site['domain'];
    	return $hosts;
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