As far as I’m concerned this new version *seems* to work fine for multisite, but didn’t have the opportunity to make extended tests so far.
I just re-run the plugin of a dev multisite that I previously run the initial version on and now it found more replacements with the same terms – which sounds rather good.
I see also that the dry run is now set by default and this is also a good idea.
If that sounds feasible, I would suggest the following improvements for the future:
1. colorize in red or whatever the “Changes Found” column
2. allow search criteria, the same way as it works in phnMyAdmin search:
at least one of the words
all words
the exact phrase
as regular expression
the most important being “the exact phrase”.
I moved a network from address to and had to search/replace the exact term. I did the process but then I double checked in phpMyAdmin and one instance of was still there in DB. In that case that had no importance as this was in a log table, but just to point out that the replace was not done 100%.
Otherwise, maybe allow the search/replace process to be done the same way the plugin “Migrate DB” does? – as shown here:
(one pair of boxes for the domain and another one for the server)
Just my two cents.
Thanks again!