• Hi there,
    I’ve written a really simple sidebar widget, here is the code:

    function nt_adsense_3($args) {
    	echo $args['before_widget'];
    	echo '<div class="adsense_side">'.nt_option('nt_adsense_3').'</div>';
    	echo $args['after_widget'];
        'Google AdSense Code 3',
            'description' => 'Google AdSense Anzeige für die Sidebar. Der Code kann in den Theme Einstellungen ge?ndert werden.'

    I have three dynamic sidebars but I can only drag this widget to one of these sidebar areas. After dragging it to a sidebar it will disappear from the “available widgets” area.

    What is to do to use this little widgets in multiple dynamic sidebars?

    Best regards

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