Yes i know, but the client wants something like this
If you choose shirt charcoal and then xl
you can’t choose another color because it’s not available so the final client reset by himself. In the kind of menu from woo commerce(drop list) if you want do the same operation it doesn’t show the other colors in gray or with a X.
in this topic
enhance industries user suggested but i don’t know how to do it:
Posted 2 years ago #
I am also having the same issue with variations only I noticed something extra:
I had 2 attributes and when setting the variations I left one of them set to the “ANY [ATTRIBUTE]” option by mistake and saved the settings.
I then noticed it and went back and changed that variation to the specific attribute I wanted and saved again.
I then noticed that the variation which I originally set correctly had been reset to “ANY [ATTRIBUTE]” but that now the 2nd variation was correct.
It created a loop where each time I tried to change one it would set the other variation to “ANY [ATTRIBUTE]”.
In order to fix this I had to set both variations to “ANY [ATTRIBUTE]” then save the changes, then reset each variation to the specific attribute and save the changes
Finally it worked, but so ridiculously frustrating!
Hope the release a fix soon coz this is doing my head in :-/”