Hi there @ochope,
We need to send payment to different Stripe accounts based on currency of the order. The USD funds should go to our StripeUSD account, CAD should go to our StripeCAD and EUR should go to our StripeEUR. We cannot have 3 sites, and these really need to have the funds placed in those individual accounts as this is directed by regional sales in different legal entities. Any tips, workarounds & clues? Thanks!
The WooCommerce core works with a single base shop currency. This allows for store owners to operate with a single payment gateway and eliminates the need for constant pricing changes due to fluctuating currency exchange rates.
If you want to offer a site that sells in multiple currencies you have a few choices.
* Set up a Multi-Site – If you use a multisite configuration you can then dedicate a domain or subdomain to each currency/location
* Use [WPML](https://wpml.org/) – With a tool like WPML you have the ability to create multilingual multi-site installations with ease allowing you to have a separate silo’ed site for each language and currency.
* Use a multi-currency extension – There is a 3rd party extension called [Aelia](https://aelia.co/shop/currency-switcher-woocommerce/) that allows for the use of multiple currencies on a single site.
At the base, however, your Stripe account will be to the store via a Webhook – you would need to have a custom solution to only send USD events between the site and the USD Stripe account and so on.
By default, this isn’t possible to send events like this based on the currency charged as this may cause conflicts between your site and Stripe.
I would recommend reaching out to Stripe to see if they have any recommendations about a workaround but from a WooCommerce perspective this would at minimum require a custom solution for when and how to send the currency-based events.