@technicaljayendra Couple of things:
1. Ads for WP are handled. You won’t see those options anymore
2. Use this tool to test your pages for problems with usability on mobile: https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly
I’ve tested to test this page (since it has the items too close problem) with the mentioned tool: https://technicaljayendra.com/best-free-software-for-windows-10/. And sure enough the errors appeared: https://tppr.me/4GbYH. BUT, you can see in the report that the preview of your site looks broken — that’s because the CSS didn’t get loaded when the Google bot crawled your site. You can see why in the Page Loading problems tab: https://tppr.me/CmApg.
This is probably LiteSpeed cache plugin messing the situation. Try to re-run the tool without the cache plugin being activated at all.
Hope this helps you find the problem.