> $97 for this one tip.
Technically, it’s $97 for all of the tips and access to the support forums. I suppose if you just needed to know that one thing, it would feel like a raw deal.
> kind of a little bit frustrating
I feel for you. We really do struggle a lot RE what we charge access for on the member site and what is available for free. I’m sensitive to folks feeling like we’re doing a bait and switch. (FYI, often times, you can do Google searches on GitHub and gist.github.com to find the code portion of the tutorials for free.) Because we give away so much for free (the entire core plugin and all of the addons), it’s going to sting when you finally hit something you have to pay for.
> Oh well, I think someone is about to send you a Benjamin.
Thanks. We spend a lot of time and money making Paid Memberships Pro, and the PMPro memberships help support us.
Thanks, Kevin for chiming in!