• DarioAngelo


    Hello !
    I’m trying to integrate my hosted WP blog with Facebook. I started with creating the app but never finished it due to lack of privacy url, app site screenshots and inability to understand how they really want me to publish anything and then verify it – all tutorials are extremely layman unfriendly.
    I turned to Open graph protocol framework plugin, which seemed to work all right, but I noticed that it published both on timeline and the page, but with unticked Timeline publish on FB plugin – anytime I ticked it, there was mistake in publishing there. So I assumed that I wasn’t really verified for FB.
    then I wanted to try YOUR app as I hoped to solve the problems and have additional links to Google + for example.I deleted the mentioned plugin and activated yours. In verification with Facebook Developers, there was a mistake with multiple OG URLs, which probably means that the previous plugin had already pasted the metadata. Here’s how it looks like:
    The image to show up when there’s no photo content won’t appear even though I have given the right path (URL) in the settings.
    In addition, there’s no trace of the app image, which should be the case in posts with full integration (my timeline and page profile images appear).
    And finally where are possibilities to extend Open Graph actions to Google+, LinkedIn and others as stated in your plugin description ? There’s no option in the settings.
    As for Facebook User Account ID you mean my FB ID, not the page’s, for which I put in Facebook Application ID in the settings.
    I really need help as I’ve grown so impatient with this endless struggle….
    Thanks !


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