Thanks for your response parcodeisuoni. Let me explain what I would like for my website.
Well, I speak English and Spanish and I have several clients who would like their sites to be bilingual. Usually what I used to do with my HTML sites was save 2 different versions of the sites and just translate each page and make the “flags” of each language link to the English or Spanish version of that page.
It was a lot of work and I was hoping there was a plugin in WP which would make my life a littler easier this time around.
For example, when you go to a site and you see like 4 different flags usually towards the top of the page. Let’s say, English, Spanish, German and French (or whatever). And when you click on the flag the page you’re looking at will switch to that language.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I’m basically a complete noob with WordPress so any tips you got for me would be great. Thanks in advance.