We are also having issues. 404s relating to missing chunk.js files.
Disabling the font-awesome plugin resolves the errors but of course all my icons on our websites stop working. In addition to this error, it is causing our Advanced Custom Fields plugin to stop working on the backend, likely because font-awesome runs before ACF and therefore when the error happens, the rest of the code doesn’t load.
Below are the errors we are getting.
bootstrap:195 GET https://localhost/wp-content/plugins/font-awesome/admin/build/static/js/8.76e87c98.chunk.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
classicEditor.js:40 Error: Loading CSS chunk 8 failed.
at HTMLLinkElement.o.<computed>.o.<computed>.<computed>.t.push.o.<computed>.d.onerror (bootstrap:129)
As I mentioned above, disabling the font-awesome plugin resolves the errors and ACF starts working again and it was working yesterday. Given as the last update was 9 hours ago, there is no denying it that the recent update has caused these issues.
Other than this slight misshap, the plugin is actually rather convenient – certainly saves me having to insert the full directory of font-awesome files. Plug and play icons is a nice touch.