• Okay,
    It’s my turn to ask this question, as none of the answers in previous threads work.
    I have multiple wordpress installations for different ‘clients’ branching off from one main installation.
    When one of these clients writes a post, I want it mirror on the main installation.
    Essentially, the main installation merely reads all of the posts from client’s installations and displays them in chronological order.
    My main page is
    The different users are currently
    Currently when I write a new post, I post it in my /jamesiserman install and than log in to the main install and post it there as well. Christiane does to the same thing. When I write a new post in my install, I want it to come up in the main install.

    I think there may be different methods to achieve this:
    -RSS list of each of the blogs on a static front page
    -somehow use the get_posts function to read from a different database
    This is a very common feature in movable type. I know that we can pull together and add this feature to wordpress.
    Multiple users seems to be the direction that wordpress is going, as that is where the demand is. Someone needs to write a guide on how to run a ‘ticker’ of blogs in seperate installations.

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  • Thread Starter jamesiserman


    I did make one adjustment to make my site more multiple user -ish. When you click on the “Posted by’ name after each post it is linked to that users blog. I did this by creating a category for each user. I than changed the category-#.php to reload to that user’s page (using the <META http-equiv=”REFRESH” content=”0; url=https://www.ducttapekids.com/jamesiserman/”> tag).
    Now, if I could just get this damn posting problem fixed than I would have a fully functional multiple user blog.

    bump. i have the same question – i want to reference posts (ie, put a ‘most recent posts’ list in the sidebar of one install, referencing another install on the same server. They’ll even share the same database by using a different prefix (so, different table set).

    Try the wordpress get plugin from Peter Upfold: https://peter.hybridweb.co.uk/projects/wpget

    He helped me set it up to bypass the open_basedir restriction on my host – so that a wordpress install in one of a client’s domains can feed properly formatted (with the_excerpt_reloaded from https://guff.szub.net/the-excerpt-reloaded/) excerpts to another non-wp domain.

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