• Issue:?Your plugin hooks the?handle_post?method to both?publish_post?and?wp_insert_post?actions:

    This means that?handle_post?is executed twice for a single post creation:

    • Once when the post is published (publish_post).
    • Again when the post is inserted into the database (wp_insert_post).

    Recommendation:?Remove the?wp_insert_post?hook and rely solely on the?publish_post?hook. This ensures that?handle_post?is only triggered once when the post is actually published, reducing the risk of conflicts.

    Modified Constructor:

    public function __construct() {
    add_action('publish_post', [$this, 'handle_post'], 10, 2);
    // Remove the following line to prevent double execution
    // add_action('wp_insert_post', [$this, 'handle_post'], 10, 3);
    add_action('admin_menu', [$this, 'add_settings_page']);
    add_action('admin_init', [$this, 'register_settings']);
    add_action('plugins_loaded', [$this, 'load_plugin_textdomain']);
    // Set up logging
    $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
    $this->log_file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/bluesky_poster_log.txt';
    $this->log(__("Plugin initialized", 'simple-auto-poster-for-bluesky'));
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