That’s one way of doing it, or you can locate this chunk of code:
if ($scf_options['scf_mail_function'] === 1) {
mail($recipient, $topic, $fullmsg, $headers);
if ($carbon == 1) mail($email, $topic, $fullmsg, $headers);
} else {
wp_mail($recipient, $topic, $fullmsg, $headers);
if ($carbon == 1) wp_mail($email, $topic, $fullmsg, $headers);
} you can see, there is a conditional statement that determines if email is sent using mail()
or wp_mail()
. Adding more addresses would be done like so:
if ($scf_options['scf_mail_function'] === 1) {
mail($recipient, $topic, $fullmsg, $headers);
mail('[email protected]', $topic, $fullmsg, $headers);
mail('[email protected]', $topic, $fullmsg, $headers);
if ($carbon == 1) mail($email, $topic, $fullmsg, $headers);
} else {
wp_mail($recipient, $topic, $fullmsg, $headers);
wp_mail('[email protected]', $topic, $fullmsg, $headers);
wp_mail('[email protected]', $topic, $fullmsg, $headers);
if ($carbon == 1) wp_mail($email, $topic, $fullmsg, $headers);
Alternately you could use Cc/Bcc by adding to the $headers
variable, or even some combination of methods, whichever works best for you.