• I am having all sorts of problems with the Digg Digg plugin and have finally turned it off on all my sites. I have at least 3 problems.

    1. With a number of sites, though not all, I am finding that the bar floats fine in Chrome, but in Firefox and IE it sits right in the middle of the page directly over the middle of the content.

    2. On one of these sites I am also getting, sitting right at the top of my content, this error message, (along with the bar floating in the middle of the content):

    Warning: file_get_contents(https://feeds.delicious.com/v2/json/urlinfo/data?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdomain.com%2F) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity in /home/domain/public_html/wp-content/plugins/digg-digg/include/dd-class.php on line 1726

    3. On one site I am finding, on several occasions, that my entire sidebar fails to load, in all browsers. If I switch Digg Digg off then it loads fine.

    I have 4 or 5 sites all with Digg Digg on, and all have one or more of these problems. I have given up and switched it off on all sites now.

    All help much appreciated, I love it but it just isn’t working. Leo?

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  • Hi – Just upgraded to version 5.2.3 and having bit of trouble.
    I think the Lazy loading option for floating display is broken or it’s so lazy it went to sleep ?? I’ve temporarily fixed my problem by just using the standard embed.
    The other issue is that the floating display is too far over my content, I suspect that a css issue.
    -oh just remembered the floating layout is not scrolling down the page.

    Hi Aron,

    Great to hear from you and thanks for the heads up on this.

    Yes, so we have identified what the problem is here. If you just go into your Floating Bar Settings, and turn off the “email button”, then all should float normally again and also not cover the content anymore. Any chance you could try this and see if it fixes it all?

    Keen to get things working well for you as soon as possible!

    Leo (Co-Founder, Digg Digg by Buffer)

    Hi Leo,

    Yes, removing the email button has fixed the floating positioning problem, if you want to check the site is Atom Ace

    Thanks for your help with this, if you need me to test anything else let me know.

    Hi guys,

    Really hope most issues are now fixed with Digg Digg since we hit 5.2.4. and also the email issue as mentioned here should be ironed out!

    Please let me know if you spot any more issues, keen to get things working well for you as soon as possible!

    Leo, Co-Founder

    I have the latest version of Digg Digg installed, and the LinkedIn button appears way at the bottom-left corner of the screen (scroll all the way down the page). Example post: https://ustandout.com/facebook/how-to-make-someone-an-admin-of-your-facebook-fan-page


    Hi Leo, since that last update I’m facing the following issue. Have a look here please: https://blog.21webmerce.com/2012/09/26/e-retail-replacement-market-for-e-commerce/. The image used seems to push down the floating digg digg bar. When there’s no image, the floating bar starts at the same height as the text.

    Any idea how to solve this?


    Peter Horsten

    I just added this plugin and I have just one little issue.

    When someone clicks on the facebook like button the box opens for a split second then closes and you cannot actually like the post.

    Any ideas on this one?

    The other buttons work great!


    Same problem as PaulGiunta:

    I get it on FB, Pinterest.


    I can’t seem to get the DIGG working in Chrome at all. The bar displays in the correct location yet only presents the tweet button in chrome but when I view it in IE or Firefox, it displays properly. I have this problem on two sites.



    Any idea why this is happening?

    FYI. I have found that the Chrome plugin “Disconnect” was causing the problem. Once disabled, the bar functions as expected.

    I have WP 3.5.1 and the latest Digg Digg, and they look fine in all browsers … even IE 8. But two problems persist:

    – Still can’t have Digg Digg on your homepage
    – Still can’t get the e-mail function to work

    Anybody find a solution to any of these yet?


    Yes I gave up on it and use GetSocial now and it works fine.

    Thanks Peter … the only thing with getsocial, is that I don’t see an e-mail-share option on there … and I’d like that … and obviously looking for the most lightweight thing, but I’d like it floating on the left side …


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